Drupal 10: New Features and Advantages That You Should Know

Drupal 10: New Features and Advantages That You Should Know

Are you looking to harness Drupal’s power for your web projects? Drupal 10 brings exciting new features and advantages that can elevate your web development experience. As a leading platform for content management and web application development, Drupal continues to evolve, offering enhanced capabilities and user-friendly functionalities.

With Drupal 10, developers can leverage cutting-edge tools and improvements to streamline development processes and deliver exceptional digital experiences. From improved performance and security enhancements to enhanced accessibility features and a more intuitive user interface, Drupal 10 benefits businesses and developers alike.

In this guide, we’ll explore the key features and advantages of Drupal 10 that you should know, empowering you to make informed decisions and leverage the full potential of Drupal development services for your projects. Let’s dive in and discover how Drupal 10 can take your web development initiatives to new heights.

Drupal 10 New Features

Here’s a detailed overview of the new features in Drupal 10:

Modernized Technology Stack:

In Drupal 10, one of the standout features is its modernized technology stack. This means that the underlying technologies powering Drupal have been upgraded to the latest versions, including Symfony (upgraded to version 5) and Twig (upgraded to version 2). These upgrades bring several benefits. Firstly, they improve performance, making Drupal-powered websites faster and more responsive. Secondly, they enhance security by incorporating the latest security features and protocols. The modernized technology stack also ensures better compatibility with modern web standards and frameworks, making it easier for developers to work with Drupal and integrate it with other technologies. Overall, this modernization of the technology stack in Drupal 10 lays a strong foundation for building robust, secure, and future-proof web applications.

Removed Deprecated Code:

In Drupal 10, a significant improvement is the removal of deprecated code. Deprecated code refers to older code no longer recommended for use because newer, more efficient methods have replaced it. By removing deprecated code from previous versions of Drupal, version 10 ensures a cleaner and more streamlined codebase. This has several benefits for developers and site builders. Firstly, it reduces the risk of using outdated and potentially insecure code, improving the overall security of Drupal-based websites. Secondly, it makes the development process smoother and more efficient, as developers can focus on using the latest and most effective practices without being bogged down by deprecated functionalities. Overall, removing deprecated code in Drupal 10 contributes to a more robust, reliable, and future-ready platform for building modern web applications.

Accessibility Improvements:

In Drupal 10, a key focus has been on making the platform more accessible through various improvements. Accessibility refers to ensuring that websites and web applications are usable by people of all abilities, including those with disabilities. With Drupal 10, enhancements have been made to meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standards, which are internationally recognized guidelines for web accessibility. These improvements include better keyboard navigation, more apparent focus indicators, improved color contrast for readability, and enhanced screen reader compatibility. By prioritizing accessibility, Drupal 10 enables website builders and developers to create digital experiences that are inclusive and accessible to everyone. This not only benefits users with disabilities but also improves usability and user experience for all visitors, resulting in more engaging and user-friendly websites powered by Drupal.

Enhanced Media Management:

Drupal 10 introduces enhanced media management capabilities, making it easier for content creators to manage and showcase media assets within their websites. These new features allow users to organize and upload media such as images, videos, and documents more efficiently. Drupal 10 offers improved media libraries, allowing for better categorization and searchability of media files. Additionally, content creators can now embed media directly into their content, seamlessly integrating multimedia elements into web pages. This enhanced media management simplifies content creation and improves Drupal-powered websites’ overall visual appeal and engagement. Whether creating galleries, embedding videos, or showcasing product images, Drupal 10’s media management tools provide a user-friendly and intuitive experience for managing digital assets.

API-First Approach:

Drupal 10 embraces an API-first approach, a modern way of building web applications by creating robust and flexible APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) before developing the user interface. This approach enables developers to separate the back-end logic (APIs) from the front-end presentation layer, allowing for greater flexibility and scalability in web development. With Drupal 10’s API-first capabilities, developers can easily integrate Drupal with external systems, mobile apps, and other digital platforms. This opens up new possibilities for creating headless or decoupled architectures, where Drupal serves as a content repository accessed through APIs by various front-end technologies like React, Vue.js, or Angular. The API-first approach in Drupal 10 empowers developers to build dynamic and interactive web experiences while ensuring seamless data exchange and integration across different channels and devices.

Automated Updates and Backward Compatibility:

Drupal 10 significantly improves automated updates and backward compatibility, making it easier for users to stay up-to-date with the latest features and security patches. The new automated update tools streamline upgrading from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10, reducing the manual effort and technical complexities. This means existing Drupal users can seamlessly transition to the latest version without facing compatibility issues or data loss. Additionally, Drupal 10 maintains backward compatibility with Drupal 9, ensuring that modules, themes, and custom code developed for Drupal 9 continue to work smoothly in Drupal 10. This backward compatibility simplifies the upgrade process and provides a stable and reliable environment for Drupal developers and site administrators. Overall, the automated updates and backward compatibility features in Drupal 10 contribute to a smoother and more user-friendly experience for maintaining and managing Drupal-powered websites.

Long-Term Support (LTS):

One of the standout features of Drupal 10 is its Long-Term Support (LTS) designation, which ensures continuous security updates and support for an extended period. With Drupal 10 being an LTS version, users can rest assured that their websites will receive essential security patches and maintenance until the release of Drupal 11 in 2024. This LTS commitment provides stability and longevity for organizations relying on Drupal for their web projects, giving them the confidence to build and maintain their online presence with Drupal 10 without worrying about sudden end-of-life issues. The LTS status reflects Drupal’s commitment to supporting its community and user base, ensuring a reliable and secure platform for years. Overall, Drupal 10’s Long-Term Support feature is a significant advantage for businesses and developers seeking a dependable and sustainable solution for their web development needs.

Improved Developer Experience:

Drupal 10 introduces several improvements aimed at enhancing the overall developer experience. These enhancements make it easier and more efficient for developers to build and maintain Drupal-powered websites. One key aspect of the improved developer experience in Drupal 10 is the inclusion of enhanced developer tools. These tools encompass debugging capabilities, code editors with advanced features, and testing frameworks that streamline the development and testing processes. Additionally, Drupal 10 emphasizes best practices and standards, making it easier for developers to write clean and optimized code. The platform also offers improved documentation and resources, providing developers with the guidance and support they need to work effectively with Drupal 10. Overall, the improved developer experience in Drupal 10 translates to faster development cycles, reduced debugging time, and a more seamless workflow, empowering developers to create high-quality and innovative web solutions easily.

Headless CMS Capabilities:

Drupal 10 introduces robust support for headless CMS capabilities, offering developers greater flexibility in building modern web experiences. A headless CMS architecture decouples the back-end content management functionalities from the front-end presentation layer, allowing developers to use Drupal as a content repository accessed through APIs. This means developers can leverage Drupal’s powerful content management features, such as content modelling, workflows, and revisions, while using their preferred front-end technologies like React, Vue.js, or Angular to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. With Drupal 10’s headless capabilities, developers can build scalable and responsive web applications, mobile apps, and other digital experiences, seamlessly delivering content across multiple channels and devices. This empowers organizations to innovate and adapt to changing user expectations, providing engaging and personalized digital experiences for their audiences.

What Steps Should Be Taken to Upgrade to Drupal 10?

Here’s a guide on the steps to upgrade to Drupal 10:

  • Assess Current Setup: Begin by assessing your current Drupal setup. Identify the version of Drupal you’re currently using (e.g., Drupal 8 or Drupal 9), review your modules and themes, and ensure your site is backed up.

  • Check Compatibility: Next, check the compatibility of your modules, themes, and custom code with Drupal 10. Use tools like the Upgrade Status module to identify potential issues or deprecated code that needs updating.

  • Update Core and Contributed Modules: Before upgrading to Drupal 10, ensure that your Drupal core and contributed modules are up to date with the latest versions compatible with Drupal 9. This helps minimize compatibility issues during the upgrade process.

  • Review Custom Code: If you have custom code or modules, review them for compatibility with Drupal 10. Update any deprecated code and ensure that custom functionalities are compatible with Drupal 10’s APIs and standards.

  • Run Upgrade Status Check: Use tools like the Upgrade Status module or Drupal Check to comprehensively assess your site’s readiness for Drupal 10. Address any issues or recommendations highlighted in the check.

  • Test in Development Environment: Set up a development environment to test the upgrade process. Use a copy of your live site to simulate the upgrade and identify any potential issues or conflicts before applying the upgrade to your production site.

  • Perform the Upgrade: Once you’re confident in your site’s readiness, upgrade to Drupal 10. Follow the official Drupal documentation or use tools like Composer to manage the upgrade process efficiently.

  • Test and Validate: After upgrading, thoroughly test your site in the development environment. Check for functionality, performance, and compatibility with different browsers and devices. Validate that all content, configurations, and user permissions are intact.

  • Backup and Deploy: Once testing is successful, back up your production site and deploy the upgraded version of Drupal 10. Monitor the site for any post-upgrade issues and address them promptly.

  • Update Themes and Customizations: Finally, update your themes and customizations to align with Drupal 10’s standards and best practices. Ensure all design elements, stylesheets, and templates are updated and optimized for Drupal 10.

Advantages of Drupal 10

Here are the advantages of Drupal 10:

  • Enhanced Performance: Drupal 10 comes with performance optimizations, making websites built on this platform faster and more responsive. This leads to improved user experience and better engagement.

  • Improved Security: Drupal 10 prioritizes security with built-in features and regular updates to protect against vulnerabilities. This ensures that your website remains secure and protects sensitive data.

  • Modern Technology Stack: With upgraded dependencies like Symfony 5 and Twig 2, Drupal 10 embraces modern web standards and frameworks. This makes development more efficient and enables integration with the latest technologies.

  • Accessibility Enhancements: Drupal 10 includes accessibility improvements to meet WCAG 2.1 AA standards. This makes websites more inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities, improving usability for all visitors.

  • API-First Approach: Drupal 10 follows an API-first approach, allowing developers to create headless or decoupled architectures. This flexibility enables seamless integration with various front-end frameworks and enhances content delivery across channels.

  • Automated Updates: Upgrading to Drupal 10 is streamlined with automated update tools and backward compatibility. This reduces the effort and complexity of upgrading, ensuring a smooth transition for existing Drupal users.

  • Long-Term Support (LTS): Drupal 10 is designated as a long-term support (LTS) version, providing security updates and support until Drupal 11’s release in 2024. This offers stability and longevity for organizations using Drupal 10 for their web projects.

  • Improved Developer Experience: Drupal 10 enhances the developer experience with improved tools, debugging capabilities, and documentation. This empowers developers to work more efficiently and deliver high-quality web solutions.

  • Headless CMS Capabilities: Drupal 10 offers robust support for headless CMS architectures, enabling developers to build scalable and responsive web applications across multiple platforms and devices.


In conclusion, Drupal 10 introduces many new features and advantages, making it a compelling choice for web development projects. With enhanced performance, improved security, a modern technology stack, and accessibility enhancements, Drupal 10 ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience for developers and website visitors. The API-first approach, automated updates, and long-term support further strengthen its appeal, providing stability, flexibility, and longevity for organizations. Additionally, Drupal 10’s headless CMS capabilities open up possibilities for building innovative and scalable web applications across various platforms. For businesses and individuals looking to leverage the power of Drupal 10, hiring Drupal developers with expertise in Drupal 10’s features and best practices is essential. This ensures the successful implementation of Drupal 10’s new features and maximizes its benefits for web development projects.

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