Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an App Developer in 2024

Mobile App Developer

Looking to hire an app developer in 2024? With so many options out there, it’s hard to know what questions to ask. This article gives the top 10 questions to ask any developer before hiring. From their experience to how they handle problems, these questions get you key info to see if they’re a good fit. Read on to learn what to ask app developers before hiring. This will help you find the perfect partner to make your app idea a reality.

Here Are 10 Key Questions You Should Ask a Potential App Developer

1. What Technical Skills and Experience Do They Have?

Want to know if an app developer is right for your project? First, ask about their technical skills and experience. Find out if they have real experience with the programming languages and tools you need to build your type of app. Ask straight up about their knowledge of things like Swift, Java, Kotlin, React Native – whatever your app calls for.

Then get them to walk you through actual apps or projects they’ve built before using those key skills. Ask how many years they’ve been developing apps and what kinds – ecommerce, social media, gaming, and so on. Getting a handle on their technical background will tell you a lot about whether they can pull off building your app.

2. Do Their Design Sensibilities Align With Yours?

How your app looks and works matters. You want to make sure any developer you hire can design an app that fits your brand and vision. Their skills should match the look and feel you want your app to have for users.

Ask to see examples of apps they have designed in the past. Gauge whether you like their aesthetic style and the way they approach UI/UX. Also discuss if they will create 100% custom designs or rely on templates and commonly used interface patterns.

Making sure your developer can deliver an app that looks and feels the way you want is key. Design alignment means they will be able to bring your ideas to life visually in a way that resonates with your target audience.

3. What is Their Overall Development Process?

Understanding a developer’s end-to-end application development process is invaluable insight. You want to look for a streamlined, structured approach that still allows flexibility.

Ask them to walk through their typical process from initial concepting to launch. Find out if they follow agile development principles with sprints and continuous iteration. Also ask how they ensure quality at each stage of building the app.

The process should align with your goals for timelines, communication, and transparency. Make sure you feel confident in their system for taking an app from idea to deployed product in an efficient yet robust manner.

4. How Do They Ensure Quality Assurance?

Robust quality assurance and testing should be a cornerstone of any qualified app developer’s process. You want to look for a high degree of rigor and coverage when it comes to QA.

Ask specific questions about their testing process like: What percent of code is automated tested? How many devices, OS versions and screen sizes are covered? Do they rely on emulators or real devices? How thoroughly is usability and functionality validated? Good responses will demonstrate they take QA seriously at each stage.

Testing is critical for catching bugs and delivering a polished, consumer-ready product. Look for a developer well-versed in QA best practices across unit testing, integration testing, UAT, load testing, and more. A commitment to excellence in testing inspires confidence in their workmanship.

5. What Platforms and Devices Do They Support?

The scope of platforms and devices supported is a key consideration for app development. You want to ensure broad compatibility aligned with your target users.

Ask specifically which mobile platforms like iOS, Android and cross-platform solutions like React Native they have experience building for. Also inquire about their process for testing across different smartphones, tablets, and screen sizes. A developer well-versed in accommodating diverse devices inspires confidence in reaching your entire audience.

Optimal compatibility takes foresight in design and development. Make sure the developer can get your app working smoothly on the necessary range of operating systems, browsers and hardware your customers use. This avoids fragmentation and enables expanding your user base.

6. What Post-Launch Support is Included?

Launching an app is just the first step. You’ll also want a developer who provides ongoing maintenance, updates, and support post-release.

Ask what is included in their post-launch support packages. Do they offer quick fixes, new releases, feature additions? What are the costs for ongoing support? Clear expectations upfront on handling crashes, customer issues, enhancements and more is key.

You need confidence they’ll be a partner in keeping your app optimized over time. Scope their capacity for handling user feedback, releasing periodic improvements, and supporting new OS versions and devices. Post-launch support is essential for long-term app success.

Also read: The Future of Tech Development: Balancing In-House Teams and Outsourcing

7. What is Their Communication Style?

Communication with your developer throughout the process makes all the difference. You want someone responsive and collaborative.

Ask about their preferred communication methods – email, video chat, project management tools? How often will they provide progress updates? Do they establish project milestones and status checks? Understanding their working style will reveal if it meshes with yours.

8. Can You Review Their Portfolio and Past Work?

Getting a developer’s previous apps gives you invaluable insight. Ask to see a portfolio showing end-to-end case studies and examples.

Reviewing past work lets you assess their design skills, development capabilities, and the types of apps they have experience with. Look for a robust portfolio that demonstrates range across consumer apps, enterprise solutions, games, etc.

Also request 2-3 client references you can contact directly to ask about overall work quality, timeliness, and communication. A strong portfolio and great references signal a seasoned developer who can successfully execute your project.

Past work and references give you a clearer picture of what a developer can deliver. Take time to thoroughly evaluate their accomplishments before moving forward. This due diligence helps ensure you choose someone capable of building a high-quality app that meets your requirements.

9. What is Their Timeline and Budget Estimate?

Understanding time and cost expectations is crucial when evaluating developers. Ask them to provide a detailed project timeline and budget estimate.

Have them walk through specific milestones from design, development, QA, to launch. Ask how they arrived at the timeline based on your app specifications. Also inquire about their budget estimation process and pricing model.

Transparency into their timeline calculations and cost structure gives you better insight into what to expect. Look for reasonable estimates aligned with the scope of your project and their expertise level.

Clear timeline and budget expectations set the stage for a smooth development process. Make sure you feel confident in the estimates before moving forward in choosing a partner. Reasonable timeframes and costs signal expertise in scoping app projects appropriately from the start.

10. Can They Support Maintenance and Future Development?

It’s important to think long-term about an app’s lifecycle during your search. Ask developers about capacity for maintenance and future development post-launch.

Can they handle ongoing bug fixes, updates, and feature releases? What does extended support look like in terms of scope and cost? Understanding timelines and budgetary needs for improvements down the road is planning ahead.

Look for a partner that can grow with you. Find a developer positioned to continue enhancing and optimizing your app over time. Their ability to support maintenance and new features ensures your app stays competitive as the market evolves.


Choosing the right app developer sets the stage for bringing your vision to life. Vetting technical expertise, design capabilities, development processes, and post-launch support among other factors is time well spent upfront. Asking the right questions during your search gets key insights into a partner’s abilities to deliver a high-quality, scalable app on time and budget. With the exponential growth in mobile and these best practices for evaluating developers, you can confidently assemble an ideal team for application development success in 2024 and beyond.

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