How to Become Successful in Poker – Four Rules to Follow

photo featuring a man seated a a table holding a 2 kings

Bankroll Management: Adapting to Each Environment

Bankroll management is a crucial aspect of poker success in both online and live formats. Due to the faster pace and more hands played in online poker, the variance is higher than in live poker. This increased variance can result in more rapid and significant fluctuations in bankrolls over shorter timeframes, requiring a different approach to bankroll management.

In online poker, it’s recommended to have a larger bankroll than what would be necessary for live poker. This helps to account for the higher variance and ensures that players can weather any downswings they may encounter while playing online. It’s also important to not let variance affect your decision-making and maintain the correct play when playing online or live poker. Do remember that practice is the king so before depositing your real money you should practice for free. To do this, sign-up on the website and start a demo account.

While bankroll management strategies may differ between the two formats, the core principles remain the same: protect your bankroll, adapt to the unique challenges of each environment, and make smart decisions based on your skill level and risk tolerance. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to succeed in both online and live poker.

Transitioning Between Online and Live Poker

Transitioning between online and live poker can be challenging, as each format has unique aspects that require adaptation. For example, live poker players must adapt to the accelerated tempo and more assertive nature of playing poker online. This may involve adjusting their strategy to account for the increased aggression and tighter play commonly seen in online games.

Conversely, online players transitioning to live poker must adjust to the slower pace and more passive approach typically seen in live games. This can require patience and a willingness to adapt to the unique dynamics of live play. Additionally, live players must develop the ability to read opponents’ physical cues and use this information to make informed decisions, a skill that may not be as necessary in online play.

COVID-19 regulations have necessitated and facilitated the move to playing online poker for many players. As a result, major poker events like World Poker Tour (WPT), World Series of Poker (WSOP) and European Poker Tour (EPT) have migrated to online poker sites with guaranteed prize pools exceeding $100 million. This shift has further blurred the lines between online and live poker, making it even more important for players to develop the skills needed to succeed in both environments.

The Impact of Technology on Online and Live Poker

Technologies like blockchain, VPNs and AI have had a significant impact on both online and live poker. In online poker, tracking software has been leveraged to improve the playing experience by allowing players to analyze their game and make data-driven decisions. This has given online players a competitive edge and made the online environment more challenging than ever before.

Live poker has not been left behind in the technological revolution. Advances such as RFID cards and electronic tables have been implemented to enhance the live poker experience. These innovations have improved the efficiency and accuracy of live games, making them more enjoyable for both players and spectators.

As technology continues to evolve, it’s likely that both online and live poker will be further impacted. By staying informed about these developments and adapting to the ever-changing poker landscape, players can ensure they remain competitive and successful in the game they love.

Pros and Cons of Online and Live Poker

Both online and live poker have their unique advantages and disadvantages, making the choice between online poker vs live poker a matter of personal preference. Online poker offers convenience, accessibility, and a more challenging environment due to the aggressive nature of play and the use of tracking software. However, the isolated nature of playing online can be a drawback for some players who crave the social interaction and camaraderie found in live poker games.

Live poker, on the other hand, provides a social atmosphere, easier games, and the opportunity to read opponents’ physical stories. The slower pace and more passive approach of live games can be appealing to players who enjoy taking their time to make decisions and observing their opponents. However, live poker can be less convenient than online poker, with players often needing to travel to play live poker in live events or find nearby poker rooms.

Ultimately, the choice between online and live poker depends on individual preferences and goals. By considering the pros and cons of each format and assessing which environment best suits your playing style and objectives, you can make an informed decision and fully enjoy the exciting world of poker.


In conclusion, both online and live poker offer unique experiences and challenges that cater to different player preferences. From the contrasting atmospheres and betting patterns to strategy adjustments and the impact of technology, understanding the differences between the two formats is crucial for success in the poker world. By adapting to the unique aspects of each environment, developing a well-rounded skill set, and managing your bankroll effectively, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a formidable poker player in both online and live settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to play live or online poker?

Playing online poker provides many advantages over live poker, such as the ability to gain experience at a much faster rate and the potential to play at low stakes. However, live games tend to be softer and have the potential to yield a bigger win rate in terms of BB/100.

Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference; some players will prefer playing online due to its speed and convenience, while others may gravitate towards live play due to its softer competition.

Is online poker harder than live?

Online poker is generally considered to be harder than live poker due to the inability to physically feel the game and the sheer number of hands that can be played per hour.

This is because online poker players have to rely on their own intuition and knowledge of the game to make decisions, rather than being able to read their opponents’ body language or facial expressions. Additionally, the speed of the game is much faster online.

How much faster is online poker?

Online poker is significantly faster than its live counterpart, often three times as fast. This has caught many live players off-guard who are used to playing much slower and find it difficult to adjust to online poker’s speed.

The speed of online poker can be a shock to those who are used to playing live. It can be difficult to adjust to the faster pace, as it can be.

What is the main difference between the atmosphere of online and live poker?

The main difference between the atmosphere of online and live poker is that live poker is more social and interactive, while online poker has a more solitary and virtual environment.

Live poker is a great way to meet people and interact with them in a social setting. You can chat with other players, share stories, and even make new friends. Online poker, on the other hand, is a more solitary experience.

How do betting patterns differ between online and live poker?

Live poker betting is generally more aggressive than online poker, as players tend to open with larger bets and the pots are often multi-way.

This means that players need to be more aware of their opponents’ betting patterns and be prepared to adjust their strategy accordingly.

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