How Technology Can Boost Your Business Communications?

Many employers have embraced the use of technology to improve traditional office functions, enhancing overall business communication and collaboration. For instance, workers now rely on tools like Google Sheets instead of paper bookkeeping or even Excel, while businesses have embraced Slack as a replacement for email or instant messaging. Technology not only saves time but also brings numerous benefits beyond mere efficiency for routine tasks. We will now explore how business communication technology has changed this segment.

Basic Communication Technologies in Business

Technology is useful, but you need to be careful about its downside – huge involvement. According to a 2018 report from Udemy, 78% of respondents said using tech for personal activities at work was their top distraction.

#1 Videoconferences

Video Conference, Business Communication Technology.
Video Conference

A videoconferencing tool can be utilized to conduct regular meetings with employees, even if they are unable to attend physically. Whether Zoom, Google Meet, or another videoconferencing tool is chosen, the outcome will be consistent workflows that are resistant to disruption when team members work remotely. This is particularly beneficial for geographically dispersed teams.

#2 Web Portal

A communication management portal can be utilized to store all communication data, streamlining workflows for optimized efficiency. This versatile tool empowers businesses to engage with customers across various channels according to their preferences, facilitating prompt customer service responses and effective problem resolution.

#3 Fax

Another category where technology has revolutionized. Businesses can now use online fax instead of a standard fax machine. All you have to do is find FAX from iPhone: Fax App on the App Store and install it. It may not be as effective for public relations or social media, but it is simply necessary for internal communication and workflow.

#4 Text Messaging

Text messaging can be used on a smartphone or tablet to assign tasks to employees and monitor their progress. For instance, a plumbing business manager may use text messages to communicate with plumbers in the field, checking on the progress of emergency calls and offering assistance if needed. Tablets have become increasingly popular in various industries, especially among field service technicians.

#5 Scheduling Systems

Better coordination of service calls or appointments can be achieved by utilizing a common scheduling system like ServiceTitan. This not only introduces efficiencies across all departments but also boosts revenue by enabling the booking of more jobs and expanding business opportunities. For instance, an HVAC technician can leverage a scheduling system to access pertinent customer information such as service history, call records, and appointment locations.

In What Areas Has Business Communication Been Transformed by Technology?

#1 Public Relations

Strategic public relations (PR) has undergone significant changes in recent times, primarily due to the rise of social media. In the past, PR mainly focused on portraying a business positively by emphasizing achievements, awards, and newsworthy information. Campaigns acted as a bridge connecting the business and its representatives with the general public.

Now, with the advent of websites and social media platforms, businesses have become easily accessible to everyone. If a consumer or a member of the media has any queries, they can reach out directly. Even key executives are readily available through their personal profiles on social media, something that was unheard of before. If someone wishes to ask a question to the CEO, they can simply send a direct message on Instagram or Twitter and expect a prompt response. Because of the ability to present a brand much closer to the public, it’s more important than ever for companies to use experts to closely manage their public facing image in order to remain trustworthy. In industries which demand a high level of trust, such as aged care / senior living facility providers, it’s key to maintain a positive public image so that people can trust in you to look after their loved ones. Utilising the services of senior living public relations experts can ensure that your reputation is positive and stays that way, so that you can bring in new residents for years to come.

#2 Internal Communication

The communication possibilities within businesses have become remarkable. Furthermore, the ability to establish a global team without physical boundaries is even more impressive. This empowers businesses to recruit the most exceptional candidates for any position, regardless of their location.

An array of SaaS programs, tools, and software facilitate seamless collaboration, video conferences, and the sharing of data and files. These advancements enable businesses to operate in a streamlined and efficient manner.

#3 Marketing and Advertising

The delivery of marketing messages and advertisements by businesses has experienced a remarkable transformation, in which social media has played a central role. In the past, consumers heavily relied on traditional channels, such as television and newspapers, to access information and come across advertisements.

However, in today’s landscape, a significant number of consumers now depend on their Facebook news feeds for news consumption. This presents businesses with an excellent opportunity to efficiently promote their products and services. The strategy proves incredibly effective due to its capability to accurately target the intended audience.


The introduction of technology has enabled businesses to streamline their operations and engage in effective communication. From internal conferences to public relations, employees can now access the latest technologies for better collaboration and improved business performance. Undoubtedly, these advancements have enhanced overall business communication and collaboration, leading to more successful outcomes.

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1 thought on “How Technology Can Boost Your Business Communications?”

  1. Angela Bordio

    I also think that IoT devices may improve machine and system communication, simplifying workflows and boosting operational effectiveness. Businesses may build a more connected and agile communication environment by adopting and successfully leveraging these technology innovations, which will increase collaboration, strengthen customer connections, and promote overall corporate growth.

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