When it comes to improving your website’s conversions, one of the best places to start is with your Payment Gateway. Payment gateways act as a bridge between customers and merchants, allowing users to make secure payments online without having to leave the site they are browsing. This means that optimizing your payment gateway can lead to increased conversion rates, lower cart abandonment rates and happier customers overall. Here are some tips for optimizing your payment gateway:
Reduce the number of fields you ask for
The first thing is you have to make sure the number of fields is appropriate for your business and customers. That means only asking for the information you need. Moreover, order the fields in a logical order that makes sense to the user, so they don’t have to scroll around looking for what they need or find themselves making mistakes because they are unsure where some fields are located relative to others onscreen (e.g., “Is this my address or my phone number?”).
Make it easy for customers to return to your site after making a payment
It is important to make it easy for customers to return to your site after making a payment. If they cannot find their way back, you will lose their interest and they may leave the site altogether.
Make sure that your checkout page is easy to find on every screen of your website. It should also be easily accessible by any other pages within the site through hyperlinks or button links which are clearly visible at all times. When designing your checkout process, make sure that there is only one clear call-to-action button at the bottom of each page (not two or three). This will ensure that users know exactly where they need to go next without getting lost on their way there.
Offer the option for customers to pay using the currency of their choice
When you’re selling internationally, it’s important to allow customers to pay in their own currency. This allows them to avoid the hassle of having to convert currencies and makes your site more appealing to international buyers. If you want to offer this option, then there are two main ways.
First, you can set up a payment gateway that supports multiple currencies. With this type of service, all transactions will happen through the gateway – including any exchanges between currencies – so there are no additional fees involved beyond what they charge per transaction.
Alternatively, if there aren’t any suitable services available yet then consider building one yourself using something like PayPal Adaptive Payments API or others.
Prevent users from losing their place on the page
You should also consider using scroll anchoring. Scroll anchoring ensures that users don’t lose their place on the page while they’re scrolling through it. The way you do this is by adding an element at the top of your page that sticks to the top even when users scroll down, so they can always see where they are in relation to other content.
A payment gateway is a vital part of your eCommerce business, so it’s important to make sure that it’s optimized for conversions. You can do this by reducing the number of fields you ask for and making it easy for customers to return to your site after making a payment. You should also allow them to pay in their own currency and prevent users from losing their place on the page while paying with PayPal or another payment service provider.