What is a Webinar on Demand, and How Can You Make One?

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Have you ever heard of a webinar on demand and wondered what it is? A Webinar On-Demand (WOD) is an online video you can access anytime and anywhere. It’s like live webinars but pre-recorded so people in different time zone can watch it instead of having to tune in live.

On-demand webinars are becoming popular for businesses to educate their customers about their products or service. Plus, you would not experience the hassle of scheduling and hosting a live webinar. Let’s see how you can make your on-demand webinar.

But first—

What Are the Benefits of On-Demand Webinars

Anyone can access and view an on-demand webinar anytime, as it is pre-recorded. And it helps to increase the reach of your webinar and save time for you and your audience.

Some of the benefits of on-demand webinars are the following:

  • Evergreen. Unlike a live webinar, an On-Demand Webinar doesn’t expire. This means that people can watch and learn from your content indefinitely. Likewise, it makes it easy to create multiple streams of passive income.

  • Require less work. No need to worry about setting up a platform or marketing the event in advance. All you have to do is record your presentation once. Then, upload it to your webinar platform or social media channels and let the viewers come.

  • Lead generation and boosting SEO rankings. Viewers watching on-demand webinars often sign up for extra information or relevant resources to the topic. From there, it can help generate leads for your business. At the same time, when search engines crawl through your content more often due to its popularity with viewers. And it can improve ranking on search engine results pages (SERPS).

Clearly, there are many benefits associated with an on-demand webinar compared with live webinars. Plus, it gives value out of a webinar experience for both presenters and viewers.

4 Easy Steps to Create an On-Demand Webinar

Creating an on-demand webinar doesn’t have to be tough. Here are four simple steps for getting it done:

1) Determine your audience

Knowing your audience is essential for producing an effective presentation. You need to decide who you are targeting with your content.

Is it potential customers or existing ones? And what level of knowledge and expertise do they possess?

Understanding your audience can create a more engaging experience for them. To ensure you reach the right people, set up an on-demand recording registration page where users can sign up for the webinar.

From there, you can access analytics such as who has signed up, where they are from and what topics interest them. This way, you’ll have an insight into who you should target and how to tailor your content for engagement.

Once you know your target audience, use this information to craft the message of your webinar. Ensure the topics and language used are the same as their level of understanding and interests. so that they remain engaged throughout the presentation.

2) Choose your platform

For beginners, YouTube or StealthSeminar can be a good option. They are easy to start with and offer plenty of features for a successful virtual event.

These platforms also have excellent video quality and provide several customization options, including:

  • Adding captions
  • Branding your videos with logos
  • Whiteboard animations
  • Polls and surveys
  • Q&A sessions

More advanced users who desire more control over their presentation may use webinar software such as ON24. This software offers features such as:

  • Audience analytics
  • Content sharing capabilities
  • Audio/video streaming
  • Multi-language support
  • Custom branding

3) Create Engaging Webinar Content

On-demand webinars involve more than just having some slides and a good presentation. It requires thoughtful planning and preparation of the webinar content beforehand. Plus, you must understand what topics you need to cover during each part of the presentation.

To create engaging on-demand webinars, you need a clear plan and structure. Also, visuals such as infographics, graphs, and videos can help break up the presentation. And it adds another layer of engagement with viewers.

When preparing visuals for your webinar, consider using color and design elements to catch viewers’ eyes. Animations can also add an extra bit of interest and keep viewers entertained. Lastly, include stories or case studies related to your topic that can help illustrate key points.

4) Record and promote

When setting up, you want to ensure that you have the right equipment and platform for the job. If you are looking for a full-service provider, there are many options, such as Zoom, Webinar Room, or StealthSeminar.

Likewise, you may consider paid search advertising or listing your webinar on a webinar video hub.

Once you’re done with all the pre-production work, it’s time to record! Depending on your hosting platform, editing time after recording can vary. Some platforms provide instant playback after recording, while others need manual editing.

Subsequently, when you finish recording, you’ll want to promote it to get people interested in viewing it. An effective promotion strategy includes:

  • Using social media channels
  • Creating ads and utilizing email campaigns
  • Targeting influencers within your niche
  • Writing press releases
  • Making announcements on other blogs and websites
  • Offering discounts or special offers as incentives

Overall, recording and promoting your on-demand webinars requires research, planning, and dedication. And with the correct tools, your webinars can reach larger audiences.

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