The digital age has made it easier than ever to keep track of important documents. But whether you’re a business owner or just an office worker, sometimes you still need to dig through file cabinets and folders to find what you need. This time-consuming practice can waste hours each week—and it’s not always easy to keep track of everything. If your office is struggling with this problem, read on for some great organizational tips that will help your business run more smoothly.
Get Rid of Unneeded Paperwork
For the sake of your sanity and the health of your business, it’s important to get rid of paper clutter. The first step is to donate or recycle anything that you don’t need anymore. You can also scan and shred any documents you’re no longer using—anything you don’t need for tax purposes should be thrown out immediately.
It’s natural for anyone with a home office to want to keep every piece of paper that comes through their door, but this practice will bog down your workflow and make it difficult for others to find what they need when they need it. This is especially true if there are multiple people working in the same space who all have access to these files at all times. Do everyone in your company a favour by getting rid of unneeded paperwork ASAP.
Use Tesseract.Net to Digitize Old Paper Documents
Tesseract.Net is an OCR tool that can be used to convert PDFs and images into searchable text. Tesseract.Net can also be used to digitize old paper documents by scanning them, but it’s more effective if you use a digital camera or smartphone for this task. The difference between Tesseract and other OCR tools is its speed. It makes use of advanced algorithms that allow processing up to 100 pages per minute.
Consolidate What You Need to Keep
Keep only the documentation you need to support current business processes. As you go through your file cabinet and e-mail inbox, make a list of documents that are necessary for day-to-day operations. Then, keep only those documents.
You may be surprised by how much of this unnecessary information is cluttering up your files and inboxes. Don’t keep things just because they’re important or sentimental. Keep them only if they directly affect your day-to-day workflows, such as an invoice from a supplier or an annual report from an investor (if relevant). You can scan these items into digital folders on your computer or send them directly to the cloud so they’re available online when needed but won’t take up space on paper storage systems where space is limited—and this will also save time when looking for something later.
Find Storage Solutions
You should always keep your important documents in a safe place. There are many ways to do this, but the most common method is with a file cabinet. If you do not have enough space for a traditional file cabinet, you can use an expandable one that uses vertical space instead of taking up floor space.
There are also other options for storing important documents and files. Scanning services can be used to copy physical copies into digital formats that take up less space but may cost more money than buying physical storage containers such as binders or folders with pockets inside them. Cloud storage systems such as Dropbox or Google Drive allow users to store their files online and access them from anywhere there is internet access.
However, these services come with large monthly fees depending on how much data they’re using each month (the amount varies depending on which provider one chooses). Document management systems like Microsoft Office 365 allow users who own computers running Windows 10 software versions 1607 or later versions along with Office 365 subscriptions ($6/month) which include OneDrive storage capabilities of up to 15GBs per user (each extra GB costs $1/month).
Simple Organizational Strategies Can Help a Business Run Much More Smoothly.
A good filing system is essential for any business, whether it’s a large company or a small one. Having your documents organized will help you manage them more easily, find what you need quickly, and avoid wasting time searching for things that should be in the same place as other related documents.
Having an effective filing system also makes it easier to find information when you need it—and that can save your business money by helping reduce the amount of time spent on tasks such as rescheduling appointments or responding to customer requests for missing documents.
In our increasingly digital world, paper documents are becoming less important. However, there are still many things that only exist in hard copy form. This can make it difficult to keep track of all your business documents and keep them organized in a way that makes sense for the business. We hope these tips will help you get started on organizing your own documents so they’re easier to find when you need them.