If you want to expand your business online, you must use web hosting in some capacity. The correct host may improve your site’s SEO, enhance sales, and offer tools and bundles to benefit your company.
There should be no confusion between WordPress hosting & web hosting because they are two completely different forms of hosting. But how do they differ from one another, and which one is the better choice for hosting a website?
Fast forward, there are several significant distinctions between the two, and each one has unique benefits, programs, and suppliers. Let’s dive into details to clear up any misunderstandings.
What is Web Hosting?
Virtually every website is really a repository for files. All of those files may be stored on your computer or in the website design program when you are in the designing stage. However, when you’re prepared to post them online, they must be kept on a real server that can provide them to every visitor to your website, meaning every website needs hosting, making it an important service and a prerequisite for an online presence.
For this reason, actual servers are owned and maintained by web hosting companies, and the majority of site owners rent out capacity upon these servers to host the sites.
What is WordPress Hosting?
Websites created using the WordPress CMS are the subject of WordPress hosting, a subcategory of web hosting services. The features and services included in WordPress hosting plans guarantee that the web hosting is compatible with all WordPress websites.
The specifics of a WordPress hosting solution will differ depending on which web hosting company you choose, but they often make it simple to set up WordPress with any web host, include security safeguards unique to WordPress weaknesses, and guarantee your website keeps up to current with each WordPress version.
A website using WordPress doesn’t always need hosting, although it’s often the best option. And the main decision you can make in this regard is choosing between managed WordPress hosting and unmanaged hosting.
Advantages of Using WordPress Hosting
The finest WordPress hosting plans will feature a few important advantages. WordPress hosting plans differ depending on the plan and provider.
- Managed WordPress Hosting – The majority of WordPress hosting packages fall under the managed hosting category, which allows you to delegate a lot of the technical aspects of web hosting to your supplier. That includes providing services like managing software upgrades and backups in the situation of WordPress.
- WordPress Compatibility – Any hosting package for WordPress should guarantee that WordPress itself and your web hosting account are completely compatible. That includes utilizing PHP, the computer language used by WordPress, in its most recent iteration.
- Improved Security – WordPress websites have particular security flaws. WordPress hosting companies have to be dedicated to staying current on WordPress security dangers and enhancing their defenses as a result.
- Automatic Updates – WordPress frequently releases updates, and it can be time-consuming to keep up with them manually. The task is handled for you by several managed WordPress hosting plans.
- Support – A solid hosting plan for the platform will include customer service representatives who are knowledgeable about the platform and can address your queries or concerns in a professional manner.
Drawbacks to WordPress Hosting
Many websites benefit from WordPress hosting; however, not all websites should use it.
- Only WordPress Websites May Use It – The fact that WordPress hosting is only helpful for websites created using WordPress is its most obvious drawback. It wouldn’t make sense for you if you were using a website builder or some other CMS.
- It Is More Expensive Than Traditional Shared Hosting Options – Typically, WordPress hosting is more expensive than simple shared web hosting plans, particularly managed WordPress hosting plans. It’s not for you if your requirements are straightforward and all you’re looking for is the cheapest web hosting solution.
- All WordPress Hosting Packages Are Not Made Equal – Many, but not all, WordPress hosting plans contain the advantages we highlighted above. Never think that anything will provide all the services and features you require just because it is designated as “WordPress hosting.” To find out what each plan offers, carefully review it.
The Main Difference Between Web Hosting and WordPress Hosting
Web hosting is a far more comprehensive service than WordPress hosting, whereas WordPress hosting relates to a specialized specialty designed for WordPress installs. This is the main distinction between the two types of hosting.
A broader category of hosting service known as “web hosting” includes any hosting services that store a site’s contents on a server in order to make the site accessible through the Internet. The websites hosted on one of its servers may be running on hundreds of different platforms, and a web host will serve a broad variety of site builders.
In contrast, WordPress hosting fills a particular void in the web hosting market. WordPress hosting may also host several websites on shared servers at once, but unlike web hosting, all of the websites on a shared server would be WordPress sites. A WordPress host caters to WordPress installs especially and provides solutions, services, and assistance that are specialized and performance-optimized for WordPress.
Which One is Right for You?
Similar space and bandwidth are provided by a shared WordPress hosting solution as they are by another shared plan. However, the features that come with each will differ. Take a close look at the detailed list of features included in the plan you’re considering, and decide if they’re worth the extra money to you.
The equation alters when shared hosting is contrasted against other WordPress hosting solutions like VPS, dedicated, and cloud hosting. By selecting one of these packages, you’ll have access to improved security, quicker load times, and more server space in addition to WordPress features. Scalability is another benefit of cloud WordPress hosting, making it simpler to expand and serve more people on certain days than others while only paying for what you really need.
To make a smart decision, it would be best to consider the following questions:
- Is your website powered by WordPress? If not, making a decision becomes simple.
- What is your budget? Plan prices for shared hosting are lower. You might have to make a decision if one shared plan matches your demands, and a cheap cost is important. However, WordPress hosting is frequently inexpensive, so if the functionalities seem worthwhile for a small monthly premium, it might be.
- How much do you worry about security? For WordPress sites, WordPress hosting is much safer than non-WordPress-specific shared plans. However, upgrading to choices like VPS or even a dedicated server also improves security.
- Are you effective at following updates? WordPress often updates. The most recent releases are consistently the safest and frequently come with important new features. Allowing someone else to handle update reminders on your behalf may be worthwhile if you tend to disregard them.
- How much traffic should you anticipate? A shared plan would probably help you for a while if you were creating a website readership from the start. You can use up all of the bandwidth included in your shared plan straight away if you have a site that receives a number of visitors or if you have reasonable grounds to suspect your site will attract a lot of people coming very soon. If so, you’ll need a web hosting package (managed WordPress or not) that can accommodate more visitors.
- Are your technical WordPress abilities still shaky? A managed WordPress package may imply that you will receive more pertinent technical support assistance when you need it if you anticipate needing a lot of assistance and guidance while you learn how to utilize WordPress for your website.
Concluding Remarks
The success of your website can frequently be determined by your choice of the web host. If you wish, you may launch your WordPress site using traditional web hosting without any issues. However, WordPress-specific capabilities might ultimately save you a ton of trouble.
Interestingly, Luke Lee of Palaleather shares, “WordPress hosting and web hosting are both services that allow users to create and maintain a website. However, there are some key differences between the two. WordPress hosting is a platform that is specifically designed for WordPress websites. It includes features such as automatic updates and security measures that are optimized for WordPress.
Web hosting, on the other hand, is a more general service that can be used for any type of website. While it can be used for WordPress websites, it may not provide all of the same features and benefits. As a result, it is important to choose the right platform for your website needs. If you are planning to create a WordPress website, then WordPress hosting is the best option. However, if you need more flexibility or you are not sure which platform you will use, then web hosting may be a better choice.”
To summarize, WordPress hosting entails that your server resources would be carefully configured to meet the specific needs of the platform. As a result, you will experience increased security and overall better performance. Additionally, WordPress hosting is a better option for novices because it frequently includes automatic maintenance duties and specialized customer assistance.