Different Ways to Describe Work Experience on Your Resume

Resume, Job, Work Experience

Work experience is the quintessential part of all types of resumes and is integral in landing you the job of your dreams. Thus, it goes without saying that the ‘work experience’ section can be crucial in the hiring process. However, before diving into the various descriptions of work experience on a resume, let us examine some ancillary details of the phenomenon that can be an absolute gamechanger.

What Is Relevant Work Experience?

The term ‘relevant work experience’ has become a buzzword, but the phrase has a specific meaning. The term is used to describe previous jobs, training, and courses related to the position you are applying to. The successful performance of duties is impossible without the necessary skills. Employers look for relevant experiences on their resumes, so the catch is not to overcrowd the page with unnecessary details. Thus, you have to be lucid about which relevant experience holds meaning for your interested application.

Let us consider an example that will help you write the best resume. Let us assume that you are looking for a job in the customer service sector; the trick is not to include all the information since the beginning of your career but to cherry-pick your expertise. Thus, you could mention in your resume that two-thirds of your clients in your previous waiting job were satisfied with your service, and your cover letter could mention that you learned communication and teamwork through your last job. Furthermore, you can include the following pointers to make your ‘relevant work experience’ section crisper and put together-

  • Position
  • Name of the company
  • The period of the job
  • Information about the company
  • Summary of your responsibilities
  • Your critical skills or achievements

Now that we have touched upon the fundamentals of work experience let us examine the top ten ways to describe work experience on your resume.

Top Ten Ways to Include Work Experience in Your Resume

  1. List Your Most Recent Work Experience First – If you are in two minds about how to compile the work experience section of your resume, then go chronological. You can list the most recent work experience at the top with less recent job titles further below. Using the chronological format to display your work experience illustrates your uphill progress to the hiring manager.

  2. Focus on Achievements Instead of Tangible Responsibilities – Another way to play around with the work experience section is to emphasize accomplishments on your resume instead of making pointers on professional responsibilities. This tactic shows how you made positive contributions to your previous company rather than simply meeting expectations.

  3. Include Bullet Points for the Job You Want – You can create each of your work experiences as a bulleted list. Make sure that each bullet highlights your skills and experience relevant to the current job opening. You can also incorporate specific keywords from the job description to make it more automation-friendly and become ATS-ready.

  4. Work Experience for Newcomers – If you are just venturing into the domain of professional work and do not possess a long history of job experience, you can tweak your resume to include internships, part-time jobs, freelancing, and so forth. This trick is handy for students.

  5. Work Experience for Mid-level Professionals – If you have been involved in the job market for a considerable period, you can design your resume so that your ‘work experience’ section is included just before the ‘education section.’ If you have experience that is not relevant to your current industry, simply mention it briefly. Even if you have enough experience, you may lose your job if you do not have the required certificate. In this situation, you can contact Fastest Documents 24/7 to produce high-quality fake certifications of any kind.

  6. Job Experience Section for an Experienced Candidate – If you are an old player in the job market, then curating a well-thought-out resume is already more straightforward for you. You can begin by providing details of two or three of your most important achievements in the Brief Information Section and then describe your relevant experience. But, it is noteworthy to remember that you should not go beyond the last years. Thus, it implies that your primary education is not important to your employers, and you can move on to list your training, certificates, and likewise in the end.

  7. Create a Career Path – Ideally, the trajectory of your work experience will reveal things like increasing responsibility and focus in your career. Thus, when you write about your experience in your resume, ask yourself, ‘Can anyone guess why I changed job?’ Avoid writing negative statements in your resume, and try to focus on the positives.

  8. The Transition from General to Private – When ordering your Work Experience, you should always go from general to private. For example, if you are applying for the position of an HR Brand Development Manager, then you should start by describing the tasks needed to draw up a strategic brand and then describe individual tasks.

  9. Opt for the Functional Format – You can choose the functional resume format wherein you classify your achievements and skills according to the new requirements. All you have to do is give the names of each previous employer and the length of each employer period. This format is best if you are applying for several jobs or if you have just graduated as a student.

  10. Opt for a Combined Format – The combined resume format will provide you with more flexibility, allowing you to present your work history in a fashion that throws the limelight on your strengths. With this format, you can begin by providing brief information about your professional experience and then list your achievements and skills. This format is appropriate if you are applying for a leadership position.

Thus, you can easily design the ‘perfect’ resume for your next job application by strategically compiling the ‘work experience’ section. Do not forget to use title and text formatting coupled with other integral elements like keywords. If you need professional assistance with your resume, visit http://firsthand.co for a resume that will help you achieve your dreams. They are the one-stop-shop for all your professional needs.

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