Why Salesforce Testing Is Necessary for Businesses


A lot of companies ignore salesforce testing in many software projects because of limited time availability and cost constraints. However, if there is any bug left in the software, it can lead to increased maintenance costs or, worse, project demise. In such cases, businesses can include automation testing in their projects which increases test efficiency and makes a colossal difference to the overall project cost. This is why, nowadays, software companies that require salesforce testing are choosing automation testing for their projects.

Automation testing is very useful for the successful execution of tests in salesforce testing

Automation testing during salesforce testing allows businesses to execute more tests in less time. Such a thing not only increases test coverage but also frees testers from running high-level manual tests. Automation testing is really useful for test cases that need to be executed repeatedly. With its help, businesses can enhance software quality and efficiency.

Thanks to automation tools, businesses can now compare the expected and actual results of automation test cases. In such a way, salesforce testing ensures software efficiency without any manual intervention.

Manual and Automation Testing: Differences

The use of automation in salesforce testing is increasing day by day. But what’s the reason behind such occurrences? One can understand the reasons by looking at the problems associated with manual testing and how automation testing can resolve them. Some of the key differences between manual and automation testing are listed below:

Manual Testing

  • Manual testing is very slow and can delay your software delivery.
  • Manual testing is very monotonous.
  • Since manual testing requires more time than automation testing, it increases the cost per hour.
  • Manual testing is prone to errors since software testers perform it manually.

Automation Testing

  • Automation testing saves time since testing can be performed repeatedly.
  • Automation testing is very adaptive, making it effective to test across different environments and browsers.
  • It provides comprehensive test coverage of data which is almost impossible with manual testing techniques.
  • Automation testing offers faster execution and delivers accurate results.

Manual testing requires a lot of human effort and is prone to human errors. This can really slow down other processes like bug reporting or test result report/log. Salesforce Testing using automation, on the contrary, significantly increases the efficiency of the testing process, which can create a huge impact on the project timeline.

Automation testing not only saves time but also reduces cost, builds work consistency and provides quick results. Nowadays, software testers have devices testing with multiple users & profiles, allowing you to run the same test without creating different scripts.

Such a thing can be done by including automation testing in salesforce testing and allowing software testers to focus on critical tasks instead of concentrating on manual testing.

Want to Automate Salesforce Testing?

Opkey offers no code continuous test automation platform to provide end-to-end quality assurance testing and offer a smooth end-user experience. By automating Salesforce Testing, Opkey empowers businesses to keep pace with release schedules, reduce risk and ensure business continuity.

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