Before the exams, this question will always come to your mind that is what is the best strategy to score 100 marks. Just random mugging and devoting time to topics that require less time, will not lead you to success. After reading this article you will get the best strategy to score 100 marks in Maths class 7. The first one that you must have already heard is you should have done NCERT and one additional book, RS Aggrawal Class 7 Solution is generally preferred. Now, let us look at the strategy that you can follow in little detail.
Firstly let us be honest, if you are not a dedicated student and you have given your best from the start, this can be hard for you to achieve. If you want to start the preparation for your exams and want to achieve 100 marks especially in Math class 7, in the last, five to six months can be hard. You must have all your class notes prepared well and at least you must listen to what is been taught in the class. If you have regularly devoted your time at least to completing the work and doing the assignment homework, then you can surely ace your exams.
1. Compete with yourself
You just have to improve yourself from your present condition. This can be started by first analyzing yourself, what are your weak topics. For the weak topics you need to practice more, take the help of the RS Aggrawal class 7 book. You must have all your resources with you in which NCERT will always be your priority. RS Aggrawal class 7 solution can be easily downloaded from various websites.
2. Stick to your syllabus
The last few months of the exams are very crucial so you don’t have to deviate from your part. Making a mind map to learn the formulas and solving all the intext questions given in Maths NCERT is a must. If you are taking help from any reference books then make sure they are authentic and with good quality content. Wrong resources can be harmful to you during the last months.
3. Set daily targets
Daily targets are mandatory, this is important as it will help you to keep a track of your daily performance and your improvement. Take small tests and try to analyze your mistakes. Keep repeating the weak points from other reference books, this will help you come up with more variety of questions so that you can be confident about them during the exams.
4. Practice more questions
Trying more questions will boost your confidence and help you give a better analysis of your strong and weak points. Make sure you are reducing your weak points by practising more questions, don’t just leave them for the end.
5. Time
Always try to manage your time, as at the last moment time can flip everything. Giving full-length mock papers is the best way to do so. Prioritize your questions which have to be done first. All the long questions should be completed at the very start so that you don’t do silly mistakes in them. If you are stuck on a question, leave them and move on to the next one. If you manage time from the very start the paper can be easily completed in the given time. For time management, start using the free time between your classes, and do not try to disturb your five to six hours of proper healthy sleep. Proper sleep will help you to concentrate in a better way. Try waking up early and before going to school you can study the subjects that need to be memorized, the practice of maths questions can be done in the evening or before going to bed.
6. Practice previous year’s question papers
Previous year questions and the sample questions from various publications are the best way by which you can get the proper structure of the question paper. Not no need to spend a lot of money on buying books for this PDF format of various books like RS Aggarwal Maths Solution Class 7 is easily available. This applies to all the students whichever board you may be on. By doing this you can analyze the difficulty level that might be asked and where your preparation stand.
7. Proper format
Your answers sheet should also look decent at the end of the paper, make sure you copy the correct numbers and avoid doing a lot of cuttings. Try doing the long questions first so that you have enough time for them, if time suffice make sure you are going through the question once again to avoid silly mistakes.
8. Tips for the night before & exam day
Don’t open the NCERT or any other reference book on the last day. Just go through the previous year’s papers ones and solve only the difficult ones which you may have marked by now. Try remembering all the formulas and important points with the help of mind maps. Don’t try to study something new as you will only end up getting confused.
9. Revision
Doing weekly revision is the best way to convert your temporary memory into permanent memory. This will help you remember stuff in a better way and help you avoid the silly mistake that can cause a huge loss in the end. You can take the help of flashcards.
Yes, it is very important to start the preparation from the start so that you have sufficient time for analyzing your weak areas. Doing previous year’s questions is the best way to judge your strong areas and where you have to devote more time. Proper notes and mind maps are the best way to remember things in a much-structured way. After reading this article, it must have ignited that fire within you to ace your maths exam of class 7th. Proper guidance and hard work are all it takes to achieve the goal of 100 marks that you are dreaming of right now.