4 Tips For Businesses To Go Paperless In 2022

Paperless Office

Many businesses are gradually shifting to paperless systems to discover more of their benefits. While some traditional companies still use printed and hard copies for their documentations, modern startups have already initiated this innovative business approach. And, with given time, more and more businesses will adapt to going paperless in its entirety.

Being reliant on technologies is undoubtedly helpful in making business transactions and operations speedy and convenient. For such benefits and more, it’s wise to adapt paperless systems. Not only will your business save more costs, but you’ll also decrease your carbon footprint.

If you don’t know where to start, here are some tips to gradually go paperless this year 2022:

1. Utilize Paperless Technologies

Paperless offices have been existing for some time now, and as more companies embrace this system, more software and support technologies are being developed. Now’s the best time to take advantage of the latest tools and technologies to make the shift faster and more effective.

Here are some of the technologies that are worth investing in for your business this year:

  • Electronic Fax

    The clear advantage of online faxing over email is that it offers enhanced data security, better productivity, and the ability to exchange signatures quickly.

    With eFax, you can send faxes online without a fax machine, and without using supplies or a separate phone line for faxing. Without the faxing hardware equipment, there are other ways on how to get a fax number. You can get a toll-free fax number depending on your chosen provider.
  • Cloud Platform

    When you go paperless, you’ll need to store your documents in a cloud-based platform, so ensure that security is always a top priority when choosing one. The primary advantage of using cloud software is that it allows the storage of substantial file data and makes it accessible for everyone in the company, anytime and anywhere. When choosing a cloud service provider, know the proper considerations and get ready to transform your business significantly.
  • Electronic Signatures

    Another must-own tool is to invest in eSignature software. eSignatures provide one of the fastest returns on investment of all the technologies if you process a lot of large paper contracts. Ensure to find a reliable provider who can meet your business needs.

2. Engage Everyone In The Team

Your company won’t make the transition without employees’ buy-in. No matter how strong your paperless example is, your employees must be on board. Hence, the management must make solid efforts in engaging everyone with the paperless implementation. Explain to employees how they can save all the valuable resources through this innovative approach.

Be prepared to have some people in the company who might be resistant to this shift. To get them on board, you must explain the goal and the purpose behind the act. Discover the best and most effective logical reasoning to get their approval. A smoother transaction is only possible when everyone’s on the same page.

3. Don’t Rush The Transition

Changing from a paper-based office to a paperless one will take time, and you need to accept this fact. A gradual conversion process is best. By implementing new procedures slowly, you’ll give your employees time to adjust and learn to love the process. In the initial stage of the change, you can apply a hybrid model between using hard copies and paperless systems. As time passes, you can eliminate the use of paper.

Despite your best efforts, you must accept the reality that there’ll always be possibilities for paper to be used in the office. Going paperless still requires some documents to be printed, but these should all be reduced in huge percentages. The reduction rate of using paper should be 90% maximum at best.

Moreover, managers can help employees adjust to change by allowing them to be creative with their own ways to adapt to the transition better and more effectively.

4. Inform Your Clients Regarding Your Paperless Switch

Having your current documents converted to electronic copies is only the beginning. It’s best to broaden your paperless efforts by informing your clients and business partners about your shift. Send an email to them to inform them of how you’ll change the way you conduct business with them.

Also, make it a point to try to influence them to be supportive of a paperless system by outlining all the essential benefits. Both parties can save more resources when you do transactions in a paperless manner.


To build a path to becoming paperless, you’ll need to consider the practices discussed above. Now’s the best time to digitize your entire business, so you must show your team the ease and efficiency of their new paperless work environment. You have all the tools to do this, and with joined efforts, this major shift in the company will become a success.

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