Best Top 10 Hindi Websites and Blogs

10 Best Hindi Websites and Blogs

Blogs and websites keep the reader entertained, especially when it comes to Hindi websites and blogs. Having the source of information in our local language preserves the culture and improves the reader base for those who’re not that proficient in English. The Hindi language has always been associated with folklore, poems, and spellbinding words that even the English language will fail to express at some point. Considering all this, we have got the best top 10 Hindi websites and blogs from all the genres and categories that can improve your command of the Hindi language and also help you explore the beauty of Hindi.

Computer Hindi Notes

Computer Hindi Notes: One place for all computer notes in Hindi language.

Computer Hindi Notes is a popular website that talks about everything related to computers in Hindi language. It’s the source of the finest articles that deal with the software and hardware of a computer. Not just that, it also has study notes from various colleges in India, and one can request access to it. To add cherry on the top, the website also features video tutorials for anyone who wants to move beyond reading. also features general technology-based articles and has the best-featured lists of various softwares with their comparative analysis. A must-read computer & technology website in Hindi.

Gyani Pandit

Gyani Pandit is a leading educational and informational website of India.

Gyani Pandit is a website with the broadest collection of all the tips and tricks categorized into various fields. Here you can find articles from finance, business, career, and history. Besides, they also have poems, tales, and biographies for their avid Hindi readers. The best dose of motivation in Hindi can be found here since the website also features success stories of people from various fields.

Money Bhaskar

Money Bhaskar

Money Bhaskar has all the business insights and market-based resources. It is the best hub for traders and investors who prefer their language as Hindi. It uses an entire sector over money knowledge, taxes, shares, personal finances, economy, and many such finance-based leads. Thus, having this website is a boon for everyone comfortable with their local language and, at the same time, are the pioneers of the finance world.

Kavita Kosh

Kavita Kosh कविता कोश - रचनाकारों की सूची

Kavita Kosh had to be on the list of the best top 10 Hindi websites and blogs since it’s the most extensive collection of regional poems of India. Founded in 2006, it has gained the importance of being a national heritage due to its content that spans over one web page. They have so far been a self-funded organization that has compiled poems across nine significant languages and is a delightful read to the eyes.

Hindi Jyotish

Hindi Jyotish | Jyotish in Hindi | Astrology in Hindi

Hindi Jyotish is the one place solution to all the problems that involve the influence of astrology and planetary positions. Most of the Indian community believes in the science of astrology, and this blog is one of the unique amongst the list to post the remedies based on that. For your best reference, they also have mentioned the titles in English. However, the written information remains in Hindi for better understanding. Any reader having an avid interest in these concepts or seeking knowledge in ancient Vedic astrology can opt for this blog having truthful information.

Sahitya Kunj

Sahitya Kunj साहित्य कुंज

Sahitya Kunj is so far the vast collection of Hindi literature published online as well as offline. It has a half-monthly magazine that the viewers can read to gain valuable insights or for entertainment. It resembles more like an online collection of your library that can be read anytime and anywhere. On the Sahitya Kunj website, you can find many poems, couplets, jokes, and content for children to learn. A huge source of entertainment for sure.

Sahitya Manjari

Sahitya Manjari साहित्य मंजरी - Naveen Hindi Sahitya Ki Website.

Sahitya Manjari is a website where one can find a massive collection of compositions written by ordinary people. Not just that, you can also send your art to them, and it’ll be one of those. Thus, one can put their views and creative ideas through poetry, couplets, stories, and even video messages.

Rekhta Blog

Rekhta Blog

Rekhta is a place to read books from any publication house based in India. They also provide mesmerizing philosophical insights that have a beautiful amalgamation of Hindi and Urdu words. Once with rekhta, one can dive into the beauty of literature and get the spellbinding effect. They also provide a dictionary and articles that give information on the unique words from both the languages and develop our hold on those languages. We’d suggest you give it a try and experience it yourself.

Achhi Baatein

Acchi Baatein

Achhi Baatein was found to make a positive impact on the reader’s life. It covers nearly every aspect that influences human lives, but most importantly, it motivates the reader to be an optimistic person. The sections in the blog are divided into categories such as motivational song lyrics, Chanakya Neeti, blogging and health tips, personality development tips, success stories, quotes and thoughts, and other generalized content. However, with so many different modules to read on, we are sure the reader will have a new sense of positivity inculcated in him.

Hindi Me Help

Hindi Me Help - Internet Ki Puri Jankari Hindi Me!

Hindi Me Help is a blog that comprehensively deals with blogging and money-making tips through blogging. It gives tips using English literals that can be pronounced in Hindi, and that’s something unique about Hindi Me Help. The blog also has a guest post section where other bloggers can present their views, and one can also visit the motivational section to read interesting articles and get inspired. The fundamental aim of Hindi Me Help is to provide a wide range of internet-based information to everyone- be it devices, blogging, or the Internet itself.


As we conclude on the topic of the best top 10 Hindi websites and blogs, we have seen the list of blogs that deal with unique content. Most of the Hindi blogs compile core literature that can keep the Indian community proud of their national language. We have seen articles based on astrology, technology, poems, tales, and couplets. We have also seen unusual blogs that use English alphabets yet remain readable in Hindi. Lastly, these blogs aim to revive the Hindi culture that is long lost in western influence. Hope you like this list of the best top 10 Hindi websites and blogs.

Rishika Desai

Author Bio: This article has been written by Rishika Desai, B.Tech Computer Engineering Student at Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology (VIIT), Pune. She is a good dancer, poet and a writer. Animal love engulfs her heart and content writing comprises her present. You can follow Rishika on Twitter at @ich_rish99.

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17 thoughts on “Best Top 10 Hindi Websites and Blogs”

  1. Mahesh Yadav - ब्लॉगर @

    लोगो को motivate करने का हमेशा से हमारा प्रयास रहा हैं, अच्छे विचार और कहानी आपको रोजाना पढनी चाहिए और ये आपके जीवन में बड़े और अच्छे काम करने में उत्प्रेरक की तरह काम करती हैं

    1. सही कहा, मेरा मानना ​​है कि यह बात भाषा और संस्कृति को युगों तक समृद्ध बनाए रखती है। हिंदी पाठकों के लिए उपयुक्त समुदाय के निर्माण में अब तक आपके काम पर मुझे गर्व है।

  2. Piyush Kashyap

    Hi, Thanks for this amazing article and information. This is really very helpful information. I appreciate your efforts and knowledge.

    Thanks please keep writing.

  3. बहुत अच्छी जानकारी। आज के समय में ज्यादातर लोग अंग्रेजी की जगह हिंदी भाषा के ब्लॉग और वेबसाइट को अहमियत देने लगे हैं।
    जिन्हें पढ़ना आसान लगता है और पसंद भी करते हैं।

  4. Without a doubt, each of these has outstanding content, but you should also check out Pratilipi, which is the best website to read Hindi story online.

  5. This website has great content! It’s informative, well-organized, and easy to navigate. Keep up the good work!

  6. The stuff on this website is excellent! It’s educational, well-structured, and simple to use. Continue your wonderful effort!

  7. Without a doubt, each of these has outstanding content, but you should also check out Pratilipi, which is the best website to read Hindi story online.

  8. Great article! The importance of Hindi websites and blogs cannot be overstated. They not only provide entertainment but also help preserve our language and culture. I’m glad you shared the top 10 Hindi websites and blogs across different categories. This will certainly aid in learning Hindi and allow us to explore the beauty of the language. Thank you for this useful information!

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