Ten Trends of IoT in 2021

Technology is making everything around us smarter and more efficient. We might not realize it, but everyday objects such as cars, kitchen appliances, and baby monitors have improved by miles. A refrigerator does not only keep food cold. It also connects to the internet to send usage data. This data is used by manufacturers to further improve their products according to consumer usage.

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is a system of connected devices that have their own unique identifiers. They also have the ability to send data to the manufacturers by using an internet connection without the need for human intervention. Any machine such as a coffee maker or an air conditioner is part of IoT if it can connect to the internet. Below are ten of the latest trends in IoT in 2021.


Blockchain technology has already proven its worth by enhancing data privacy in apps. Companies are looking for an iOS app development company that can utilize the blockchain technology to make their apps more secure.

IoT sends usage data of devices to the manufacturers over private blockchain networks. These records are tamper-resistant and enable business partners to share data without central control and management. Blockchain can also help IoT by tracking the history of devices that includes everything from usage data to customer questions.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has already revolutionized the business world by reducing the workload of human resources. It helps in automating business processes so that the managers have more time for creative and strategic planning. AI can further help in the manufacturing process by making it possible to complete finished goods with the least labor work possible.

The results of combining AI with IoT will be interesting. It will supplement the already intelligent AI technology and enhance its abilities. The devices with AI and IoT will produce smart behavior by supporting decision-making without human interference.

Healthcare Industry

The Healthcare industry has the most to gain from IoT. Not just from the perspective of patients but also from the perspective of the consultants and hospitals. Wearable devices play an important role in the implementation of this system. Wearable devices have sensors, microphones, and speakers to interact with the user. They can be used by doctors to talk to their patients. Get the relevant medical practitioner on their doorstep, in case of a serious emergency.

IoT will increase access to healthcare for everyone and make the whole process easier and even faster. It will make sure that healthcare professionals are always connected to their patients to give them a better service.

Personalized Retail

IoT in the retail industry will enrich the customer experience with more personalized data. We can already view the map of the world to go from one place to another, but what if we could also see the map of our favorite store and make a route that will efficiently take us from one aisle to another without missing anything in between. Will that not be more convenient?

It will make the whole supply chain more efficient by informing the wholesalers and distributors about the inventories of the retailers. The retailers will only need to remind their distributors about replenishing their inventories. This will make the whole supply chain more efficient and the customers might not have to face out-of-stock for any product.

Predictive Maintenance

We are already living in smart homes with sensors to keep unwanted footsteps out of our homes. Security systems prevent unauthorized persons from entering our homes. IoT will take this to the next level by warning homeowners about any system malfunctions that will likely happen in the near future. It can also warn about electrical problems and plumbing leaks over smartphones to make sure that owners shall take immediate actions and prevent any mishaps.

Data Analytics

Data analytics is the science of analyzing data so that meaningful conclusions can be made related to the provided information. Further advancement in this field has made it possible to develop mechanical processes and algorithms that will work on raw data to gather valuable insight for businesses to use. IoT in data analytics will transmit the data from the IoT devices connected to the internet. This data can be used in data analytics to find information that would have been otherwise ignored.

Voice User-Interface

Voice assistants in smartphones have already changed a few things, such as searching for something on the internet, voice-to-text messaging, and assistant text reader among others. Companies are battling to get ahead of their competitors in providing their customers with the most accurate voice assistant. With IoT, the use of voice in giving commands, setting up devices, and receiving results will move on to other products such as wearable devices and cars.

Customer Service

Customer service is crucial when it comes to satisfying customers and giving them added value. IoT will further improve customer service by providing access to the data in real-time. IoT will also empower CRM software, detect customer issues, and inform customer service agents about customer problems.

Territory Monitoring

The agriculture sector can also benefit from IoT and smart tools. They can help in controlling water supplies, measuring soil moisture, and monitoring fruits and vegetables to determine the best time for harvest. This can reduce costs, improve future planning, harvesting, and forecasting.

Customer Appliances

IoT in customer appliances will add new layers of convenience to make everything more comfortable. Imagine having a tracker to find your car keys, a refrigerator that can make a list of items that are about to deplete, or a device to identify your mood and play songs that you enjoy. With IoT and customer appliances, all of this and more is possible to make our lives easier.


Over the coming years, IoT will transform society by connecting devices to the internet and sharing information digitally. This network of connected physical objects will help in the development of technology and devices that might change everything around us, including kitchen appliances, cars, industrial machinery, and how we interact with these machines.

Olivia Marie Photo

Author Bio:
Olivia Marie is a Senior Digital Content Producer at Appstirr; an App development company, headquartered in New York, U.S. You can connect with Olivia on Twitter @OliviaMarie141.

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