Top Tips to Upgrade Your Home Security During Lockdown

Home security camera.

When traveling, it is easy to find some security measures you can take to protect your home while you are on holiday. But now with the latest pandemic, no one is allowed to travel to stop the spread of the virus. And it seems we still have a long way to go.

But being always home does not mean that you are fully protected against burglars’ attacks. They find innovative ways to break into a home, even though the owners are there. And because lots of people lost their jobs, it is most likely that we will experience a rise in burglars’ attacks.

According to reports of assignment helper, Kate Megan, it is a lot more fun to decorate your home and find accessories that show your personality and make it cozy than to look for security devices. But the latter action is an extra step you must take to protect yourself and your family.

Here are top tips that can help you look for and update your home security during the lockdown.

Repair Your Fences

One of the most common ways burglars can get on your property without you noticing is through holes in your fence. If you have a wood fence, then you probably know that it is prone to rotting if you do not treat it regularly.

Considering that the weather is mostly sunny and nice and you have to spend your time at home, you can start repairing your fence. If you notice wood panels that begin to rot, the best solution is to change them. Then, you should apply a waterproof and protective paint to increase the durability of your fence.

Take Care of Your Home Security System

Burglars choose their targets depending on many things, and one of them is the home security system. Here are your security cameras, alarm box, or smart bell system. If they look as if nobody lives in the house, you should consider replacing them.

Burglars choose houses that have the security cameras old and worn-out because this means that they use old technology. No matter how odd it may seem, your home security system can make you more prone to burglar attacks than you might think.

Make sure the software is always updated and that you are connected, protecting yourself from cyberattacks at the same time.

Light Up Your Space

If you do not have any lightning system installed out of your house, you should look into buying one. Why is this important? If you were to be a burglar, you sure do not want to leave traces that might lead to identifying you. And light helps security cameras catch a clearer and more detailed picture of everyone that enters your property.

There are garden lighting systems that are sun-powered and they begin to light your yard automatically when night falls.

Secure Your Goods

When thinking about goods, you can think about anything valuable you have. Burglars do not steal things to use them but to sell to third parties and so monetize their ‘acquisition’. So, look for valuable goods you have in your yard and secure them in your basement or garage. Anything from bikes or expensive gardening tools, to silverware or precious jewelry.

Small things can be secured in a safe box and the code must be kept secret.

Lock All the Doors

It might sound funny, but burglars really have an easy way inside sometimes. Most people forget or simply do not lock all the doors, because they think if they are home, burglars will not even attempt to steal something. This is wrong. If that were the case, the criminality rates should go down during lockdown, but instead, they increased.

The same goes for your garage, warehouse, and so on. Don’t forget to lock both interior and exterior doors every time. The garage is usually an open door to the house which burglars use most of the time.

Protect Yourself from Cyber Attacks

If you use smart home automation, you probably appreciate it because it made your life easier. And so, it is. Smart home automation comes with multiple benefits for people that are using it. But it can also be prone to cyberattacks, and you can have your identity and financial information stolen.

The thing is all your devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. You can access and command them from a distance, but so can burglars attempt to catch the glitch in the matrix. The best thing you can do is to secure your wireless router, use a firewall, install antivirus and malware protection, and enable encryption.

If they manage to access your network, they can also get access to your phone and know every time where you are. And it is a piece of cake to coordinate a burglar attack when you have the exact position of the victim.

Change Your Routine

Even though having a routine gives you a sense of security and contentment and increases your wellbeing level, it might be something that helps burglars. Some of them are spontaneous and impulsive, while others prefer to build a good strategy. This strategy is also based on your routine, so that the burglars know your habits and behaviors and can plan their attack better.

Change your routine every now and then. You can begin with small changes, such as switching the order of your activities, introducing new ones, or just replacing some habits. You can see it as an extra measure of protection, but also as an opportunity to get rid of bad habits and adopt healthier ones.


We all live uncertain times. We still do not know much about this virus, so this lockdown period will likely last. Unfortunately, this leads to an increase in burglar attacks, which now happen while victims are at home.

To better protect you, you need to take care of your security system, maintain and update it constantly. Do not forget to lock all the doors and light up your space.

Cyber-attacks are also on the rise, so be sure you set a strong password and take other precautionary measures as well. Repair your fences, change your routine, and always keep an eye on the surroundings.

Security Camera photo by Max Böhme on Unsplash.

Joe McLean image

Author Bio:
Joe McLean is a consultant writer at the best essay writing services. He is an expert in fields such as home automation, the Internet of Things, and cybersecurity. Joe loves spending time with friends and playing board games. Do not hesitate to contact him on Facebook.

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