What Are the Basics Needed for Your Career in Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity has been one of the technologies that have evolved equally with every new invention. Every new launch of gadgets and devices came a new set of loopholes and vulnerabilities. Critical of such vulnerabilities cause heavy damages to the giant organizations.

Mobile Security, Smartphone Security or Mobile Phone Security.

Unfortunately, the cyber-attacks have drastically increased to a level where a data breach’s average global cost is up to $3.86 million. As of 2018, 80,000 cyber attacks occurred every day, and this count is enough to prove that the ratio of cyber defenders to attacks is extraordinarily low.

So if you’re someone willing to make a career in cybersecurity, then maybe you should know where to begin from and what to know as a beginner. This article talks in-depth about it. Without wasting much time, let us go through it.

Technical Knowledge

Without it, I mean, there is no way you can make it into cybersecurity. But there are a few scripting and coding languages, some frameworks, and a few tools that can pave a strong foundation for it.

Hands-On Linux Environment

As most of the environments the hackers deal with are based on scripting and command-line based, they’ve preferred CLI- based operating systems over GUI-based. So if you’re not aware, it is a good time to learn about Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu, Kali Linux.

Kali Linux environment.
(In picture: Kali Linux environment)

Programming and Scripting

One of the major things you’ll need to remember is syntaxes and commands, but especially here as the languages vary. You’ll need to know languages like Bash, Batch, Python, C#, and other frameworks associated with it. Within a few lines, you can even create your virus or port-scanner!

Tools to Exploit

The Kali Linux operating system allows you to have a pre-installed wide range of tools. But apart from that, Metasploitable, Nesses, Burp Suite, Nikto, SQL-MAP, and Perl are a few to name tools you can keep handy as a beginner. Moreover, as you advance in your cybersecurity career, you can get used to Forensics and SOC tools!

Burp Suite environment
(In picture: Burp Suite environment)


As rightly said, certifications are proof of your quality and ability. Various organizations such as EC- Council, Mile-2, and OSCP, to name a few, offer cybersecurity based certifications such as:

  • CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker
  • CHFI: Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator
  • OSCP: Offensive Security Certified Professional
  • CISSP: Certified Information Systems Security Professional

And many more to list.

Out of which, beginners can approach for the CEH as it is most of the time a mandatory qualification to acquire a job.

Proficiency in communication and business writing

One of the most important aspects of your cybersecurity career would be documenting and keeping the POC (Proof of Concept) that explains the exploit. The documentation is yet another essential part apart from the technical knowledge of generating an analysis report of your findings.


Let us assume you’ve acquired all the knowledge you need and begin with. Apart from that, some qualities need to be developed in you to create a skillful cybersecurity expert.

Out of the box thinking

All you need to do is possess a skill that encourages you to think of all the ways to break the current system. This skill also compromises not to obey the system instructions and to provide wrong information to see what happens deliberately!

Updating yourself with current trends

There are thousands of new offensive ways and thousands of tools in defense to protect from the attack. Every new invention is a sign of the upgrading technology in cyberspace. Thus, it would help if you kept up with the recent advancements to enhance your vulnerability assessments.

Programming, coding, hacker, cybersecurity expert.

An eye for the latest news

There are new attacks and ransomware discovered every other day. Every piece of news can provide you with loads of information and keep track of the current trends. Each variation in the attack has a different methodology, and it can help widen your knowledge scope in the field of cybersecurity as a newbie.


It can feel not easy and a misguiding path to becoming a cybersecurity expert as a newbie. But at such moments, free knowledge resources such as YouTube and Udemy can come to your rescue. You can create your walkthrough in this field and can master your skills through self-discovery.

But once into it, the cybersecurity domain can be very rewarding and promising. Besides, securing cyberspace and becoming a cyber warrior is a privileged feeling that can hardly be found anywhere!

Rishika Desai photo

Author Bio: This article has been written by Rishika Desai, B.Tech Computer Engineering Student at Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology (VIIT), Pune. She is a good dancer, poet and a writer. Animal love engulfs her heart and content writing comprises her present. You can follow Rishika on Twitter @ich_rish99.

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