We all know that technology keeps evolving with time. Virtual reality, robotics, and augmented reality were just tempting concepts during the 80s and 90s that were only featured in Hollywood movies. Today, they are a reality and make a big part of our lives.
The changing trend of technology has made life easier and more convenient for the people and the future looks even more promising. As we are just two years short of entering a new decade, it is about time to predict some of the technology changes that will define our world in 2025. Here they are:
Robots Will Replace Humans

Robots have already superseded us in many area of life. Today, they are functional in the manufacturing industry. The growing influence of artificial intelligence has paved the role of the robotics in other industries as well that include supply chain, retail, and customer support management.
According to a report by The Guardian, the robots are going to replace 6% of humans in the American market by 2021. Retail, transportation, and healthcare are the industries that will be impacted the most. In future, we will see robots driving the cars and taking the orders as a salesperson.
Internet of Things (IoT) Will Influence Every Aspect of Our Life

IoT will be the most influential technology of the future. The inception of IoT has already started impacting lives of the people in the form of smartphones. The future will see the role of IoT in automating your home.
For example, you will be able to set the temperature of your home and automate its ventilation system or install an IoT-enabled security system to permit entry to someone in your home. Similarly, you will be commuting through driverless cars that will navigate you through the routes during your entire journey.
In addition, there will be smart cities that will be controlled by the sensors and central government will be regulating the systems based on the available data.
There Will Be More Electric Cars On The Road

Electric cars are a more economical alternative for the cars that run on gasoline. The resurgence of electric cars has led many automobile companies to invest their money on this age-old concept. Tesla is currently the leading company in this race. The company launched Roadster in 2006 which was a huge success. Being the trailblazer in modern automobiles that run on electricity, Tesla inspired many other automobile companies to manufacture electric cars. The most notable include the Nissan, Chevrolet, and Volkswagen.
The future will see more electric cars on the road and it will likely to become the major mode of transportation by 2025.
DNA Mapping Will Assists Medical Experts in Treating Disease

DNA mapping has made it easier for the medical experts to identify diseases in people using the samples of DNA. The evolution of this technology has made it a better alternative to blood analysis to pinpoint the existence of any disease in people of the same lineage.
In the next few years, the DNA mapping will become a primary source for the medical experts to diagnose and treat diseases that run in a family.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Facilitate The Users

As we enter the era of IoT, artificial intelligence becomes even bigger and better. Today, AI is integrated into many software to facilitate the users based on the algorithm. Adaptive learning is a good example of how automated systems are being used today to automate the learning process.
On the other hand, companies are using chatbots to connect with their audience on social media. Twitter Bot is a good example of how companies are using chatbots to communicate with their users. The chatbot can automatically respond to queries of the users, take feedback and broadcast information.
There Will Be More Experiments on Teleportation

Imagine a world where you can move from one place to other without any physical space. Just to let you know teleportation exists as a concept from 1878. In recent times, it has been a common theme in many works of fiction and Harry Potter is one such example.
2025 will be the year when tests on teleportation will be at full throttle. If it becomes successful, it will be another giant leap of science.
There Will Be Better Cures for Deadly Diseases

By 2025, we will see the beginning of a better cure for cancer disorder. There will be more effective drugs that will have less harmful effects on human body. The advancement in medical science will make it possible to treat cancer with the minimum of residual effects.
By 2025, there will be more effective treatments to cure cancerous cells. The gene mutation will enable the cancer patients to undergo a more precise medical procedure that will reduce the odds of dangerous effects of cancer in the body.
Digital Currency Will Go Mainstream

As more people are transacting through cryptocurrency, the future of digital currency looks promising. According to Statista, there were 9,521 Bitcoin ATMs globally as of September 1, 2020.
Besides, the recent boom in the exchange rate of cryptocurrency has increased its value as a potential investment commodity. Taking into consideration the growing influence of cryptocurrency in the financial market, we can predict that it will go mainstream by 2025.
Augmented Reality Will Change the World
Augmented reality was once a newfangled concept of the Hollywood movies like Minority Report and Iron Man. Today it is a reality and the next big thing in the technology industry. IKEA is currently the biggest brand that uses augmented reality in its app to help its clients decide on the right piece of furniture for their home or office space.
Similarly, we see many gaming apps hitting the market that uses augmented reality as a primary feature. With the growing evolution of this technology, the augmented reality will likely to change our world by 2025.
Solar Energy Will Be Ubiquitous

Solar energy has already made its way to homes of the people but it is still not being used at full scale. At the end of 2025, there will be more people who will be tapping into solar light as a source of energy. Solar car and solar plane are next in line and many companies are putting their money in this project as well.
Final Thoughts
The aforementioned are some of the ways technology will change our world by 2025. Hope you will find the information interesting enough to satisfy your cravings for technological knowledge.
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