How Do Online Industries Evolve With New Technology?

Oculus VR Virtual Reality Technology

In the days before the internet, technology progressed at a steady pace, like a tractor methodically ploughing a field. But as soon as the World Wide Web came into mainstream usage in the 1990s, it shot off like a high-speed train propelled off its tracks by rockets. This is because the online world has created a thriving market for businesses to compete with one another. The industry leaders have to constantly innovate to get ahead of their rivals, meaning that those who incorporate new technology first are likely to be more successful than those who ignore it.

Casinos Constantly Innovating with New Technology

One of the most notable sectors for pushing forward and evolving alongside new technological upgrades is the online casino industry. Whenever a new piece of software appears to be about to go mainstream, online casinos pounce on it and use it as a way to bring in more players.

There have been notable upgrades to online casinos with emerging tech over the last ten years. The first massive boost to the industry was the rise of smartphones and tablets. Developers quickly realised that iGaming offerings were perfectly suited to mobile audiences who like to play games in short bursts. Online casinos, therefore, made their products accessible to these players and utilised another development, the HTML5 mark-up language, in order to do so. Nearly every online casino is available on mobile now, as those that aren’t would be in danger of losing customers.

Another huge development was live streaming. Online casinos made use of the platform in its early days, way before Facebook Live came into existence. Casino websites have a wide array of live casino offerings including Immersive Roulette, Live Poker, and Lightning Dice. These titles are extremely popular because they bring the live casino experience to players in their own homes. Indeed, the technology has pushed the sector forward massively and paved the way for combining it with other emerging technology such as virtual reality.

Social Media Has Boomed with Tech Updates

The rise of social media in the last decade has been astounding. A lot of people will remember the early days of online social networking in the mid-2000s with sites like MySpace. That was the largest social networking site in the world between 2005 and 2008, but it was swiftly usurped by Facebook towards the end of the decade. This was partly down to the fact that the Mark Zuckerberg-led site was much more open to changes and evolution alongside new technological updates.

Facebook has become one of the world’s biggest brands because it has improved its services each year. The most recent big development was live streaming, but the site also revolutionised the way people chat online before this. Moving forward, the company is working with a number of AR and VR firms including Oculus in order to evolve further.

It seems that in these highly competitive and lucrative sectors, businesses are constantly looking to use emerging technology to get the edge on their rivals. Companies fighting a fierce battle for supremacy need to adopt such technology as well, or risk being left behind. This helps the innovations to keep coming thick and fast.

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