Technology has shaped many aspects of our lives. Perhaps one of the best impacts of technology is its ability to save lives. In the rare case that your car is in trouble due to an accident, it is essential to know the technological devices that might help you and your vehicle.
Read on to discover five innovations that might help you should you experience a disaster while you are on the road.
Towing Kit and Trailer Camera System
A tow kit is a valuable addition to your car. It is a device attached to the frame of an automobile that allows the vehicle to carry an extra load. With the use of a tow kit, you can connect your car to another object in times of disasters. Safety experts recommend installing tow kits by registered dealers to ensure compatibility with your vehicle.
It is also essential to prepare a tow rope every time you hit the road. A tow strap is especially beneficial if your vehicle is stuck, and you are in a deserted place. You can tie the rope to a tree to move your auto. Experts recommend that a 30-feet cable with a 90,000-lb break strength is an excellent choice.
Conventional tow kits are useful on their own. But, the addition of trailer camera systems on newer cars has increased the use of these gadgets. Now, drivers can monitor another object attached to their vehicles. Some car manufacturers even equip their auto with two accessory towing cameras for an exceptional viewing angle.
Smart Air Bags
In the case of collision, airbags have always been helpful. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), frontal airbags saved a total of 50,457 lives in 30 years. Airbags’ efficiency pushed legislators to mandate on the installation of airbags on all vehicles. Thus, in 1997, airbags became a necessity for every car.
During the late 1990s, there were only frontal airbags. Then companies soon created side airbags for additional protection during collisions. Finally, in 2006, NHTSA mandated the use of smart airbags. Since then, companies started producing airbags equipped with high-tech features.
Today’s smart airbags feature additional sensors to facilitate proper deployment. The most common attribute of an intelligent airbag is its weight sensor. Some airbag systems can even detect the location of the passengers. Through ultra-modern sensors, high-tech airbags can simultaneously calculate the weight of the passenger and their positions. This feature allows airbags to determine the accurate force needed for deployment.
Compact Floor Jacks
A floor jack safely lifts your car should you need to repair its components. This device is especially handy when your vehicle experiences problems, and the next mechanic is miles away. Through the use of a floor jack, you can repair issues underneath your car, such as suspension, brakes, and traction motors. Highly durable materials such as steel or aluminum constitute a floor jack.
It is essential to research the brand and its products first before purchasing a floor jack. Make sure to buy from a trustworthy producer of floor jacks since the device will determine your safety while you repair your vehicle.
Before, floor jacks used to be heavyweight. But, with the help of technology, compact floor jacks are now available on the market. They weigh approximately 3 lbs. Portable floor jacks have a maximum weight capacity of 3,000 to 6,000 lbs. Hence, a lightweight floor jack can successfully lift a mid-sized vehicle.
Jump Box and Jumper Cable
There is no guarantee that a nearby car is present should you experience battery issues. Thanks to advances in technology, drivers can now purchase a jump box and store it in their car trunk. A jump box serves as an alternative to another car’s battery. It is a lightweight emergency car battery that will help you restart your vehicle. Also, using a jump box can save you precious time. After starting your auto, you can quickly continue on your journey.
Take note that apart from a jump box, you will also need a jumper cable to connect your car’s battery to the jump box. An excellent choice for jumper cables features a waterproof and temperature-resistant coat. It is also advisable to use gloves when connecting the two batteries to avoid grounding incidents.
Improved Traction Devices
Every driver probably knows how dangerous it is to drive during the winter season. Large heaps of snow block the road, making it difficult for drivers to maneuver their car.
Thus, every driver needs to prepare for the winter season. That is why you should consider adding traction devices in your vehicle. These devices improve your car’s brakes in challenging situations. Most importantly, traction devices allow you to execute corner drives quickly. Tire socks and zip ties are excellent choices for lightweight traction devices.
Portable Power Bank
Gone are the days when you need to bring a reserve battery for your cellphones. Today, power banks with various shapes, colors, and sizes are readily available in the market. You can also choose among different charging capacities. Power bank mAh ranges from 10,000 milliamps per hour (mAh) to 50,000 mAh.
Power banks are incredibly useful when you are stuck in the middle of nowhere, and you need to contact emergency hotlines. Just be sure to charge your power bank before leaving.
May you have a safe and trouble-free journey with these devices!