10 Mistakes People Make When Guest Posting

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Writing only articles will not lead you to the audience, especially when you are a new site. In the post penguin era, guest blogging has been one of the simplest and secure ways of creating backlinks. But when everyone realizes how beneficial it was, people started using it as a business. Guest blogging started as a community service and soon become a flourishing business.

However, there are some people who still do guest blogging for community service purposes. This set of mind had left us with many mistakes that we make in our guest posting services.

Mistakes People Make When Guest Posting

Guest blogging is excellent in presenting your work to the others, who would have never come across your content until you have presented them. It is also a good source to build your authority over your niche.

However, in the midst of time, people have forgotten how guest blogging is done. While doing guest blogging they tend to make some of the silliest of mistakes that cost them their traffic.

Here are the most common mistakes that most people do when guest posting:

1. Not investigating

When you are looking for sites for making a guest post, you must investigate each site before pitching them for the guest blogging. Do thorough research and look for the answer to the given questions.

  • What kind of posts are there on the site?
  • What kind of audience do they target?
  • Are these audiences relevant to you?
  • What are their terms and condition for accepting the guest post?

Knowing everything will save time for you and for the site owner both with the guest posting deals.

2. Writing about your business

There are many people who never miss a chance to self promote on the guest post. Well, my friend if you are one of them, then stop doing that. By doing so you are creating a bad image for yourself. The sole purpose of guest posting is that you will aware people about your writing skills and how much knowledge you have on a particular niche.

And on the second thought, your post might not be selected just because many sites do not like a person self-promoting on their platform. So be very cautious about how you approach people with your writing.

3. Not adding backlinks

This is one of the most blunderous mistakes you could ever do. The sole purpose of writing content for the other site is to place a backlink to redirect some of their traffic on to your site. But if you miss out on creating a backlink then all the efforts are worth nothing.

But at the same time if you are allowed to have two do-follow links then do not miss the opportunity to add another link of your site within the content.

4. A formal way of approaching

Yes I know, while approaching an unknown stranger it is better to be formal with your words. But when it comes down to the guest post, you can be informal with your approach. Most of the owners love when people who approach them show characteristics of friendliness. And the best of doing so is to approach them with friendlier tone rather being formal.

5. Submitting irrelevant content

If we come down to the content. Make sure the content you have written is relevant to both, you and the owner of the site. Only this way you will be able to persuade him/her to accept your content. Nobody wants to accept content that is out of contrast with their site. So, it is better to write a guest post prominent to the website owner you are pitching.

6. Writing for irrelevant sites

Not only the content can be irrelevant, but sometimes the site you pitch can also be irrelevant. So, it is very important to pitch only those sites whose niche is similar to your own. Or who have traffic on the articles which are similar to yours.

Do a thorough research and then short out the list that you are going to pith for the guest blogging. While doing make sure that all the shortlisted sites are relevant to your site.

7. Lack of good content on your site

Guest blogging is good and all. But are you sure that your site holds good quality content that the audience likes to read. If so, then only go for the guest blogging. No matter how many backlinks you create to your content. If the quality of your original content is not good your effort will be null.

The possible way to improve the result will be to first improve the internal post and then pitch for the guest posting.

8. Resisting edits

There are many people who think that their articles are perfect the moment they complete it. But they forget that even a silly mistake can change the meaning of the article. So, it is advisable to always recheck your article before guest posting, and make the necessary edits if possible.

9. Not writing for targeted audiences

One of the common mistake that most of the content writers makes is they do not write content for the selected audience. It is very important to have a clear idea of the type of audience you are writing for. Only after that, you would be able to write the best content compelling to the right audience.

10. Writing solely for creating backlinks

Most people forget that content should be of the highest quality possible. There are people who think that backlink contents are only just a piece of content that they need to present to the website owner. But in the midst of this, they all forget that the content that is containing your backlink should be appealing enough for the people to read them. Only after that, they will come across to your backlink.


Guest blogging sure is easy, but there are some small things that you need to keep in mind while doing a guest blogging. I have highlighted some of the common mistakes people do while doing guest blogging.

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10 Mistakes People Make When Guest Posting 1

Author Bio: Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He is a passionate blogger and blogs at MashumMollah.

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