Make Your Phone a Drone. Introducing the Ultimate Phone Case!

We live in a pictorial age. Whether it’s a young couple taking a selfie or a man immortalizing his lunch with a quick snap, photography is ubiquitous. Smartphones are undoubtedly a great way to take pictures, but they do have their limitations.

Previously, the selfie stick revolutionized the photography game – allowing users to take snaps from otherwise impossible angles. It was the smartphones best friend. Of course, carrying around a large, brightly colored stick all day was, well, frankly, a little embarrassing, not to mention inconvenient.

Well, the world of phone cases is about to be turned on its head with the introduction of the “SELFLY“.  The Selfly is a miniature drone, but not just any drone – it’s also a phone case. This little number puts the paltry achievements of the Wright Brothers to shame (Not really though).

SELFLY - The Smart Flying Phone Case Camera
SELFLY – The Smart Flying Phone Case Camera

The problem with drones – they’re just too big. Nobody wants to carry around a big heavy case all day. The Selfly is a unique concept which allows users to take hands-free shots, from any angle on the go, with a “phone case” that fits in your pocket. This gadget utilizes some high-tech labyrinthine hocus-pocus which completely stabilizes the device in the air allowing for flawless images, impressive, right?

The Selfly promises to revolutionize the way you take pictures bringing drone capabilities into the hands of the masses. No longer will you be limited to arm’s length when trying to cram 16 of your friends into a selfie. No sir!

When you are not using your Selfly as a drone, it can double up as protection for your phone. It folds easily onto the back of your smartphone. When you want to take a cool picture, simply snap of the Selfly and get it airborne and then pop it back on when you’re done and forget about it. Pretty cool.

So, let’s talk about the tech. This little powerhouse packs a 13MP camera capable of recording Full HD video at 60 FPS, all packed into a 10mm thick case. It also has live stream capabilities in addition to a hover function which allows you to set it at a specific height. The range of the drone is expected to be somewhere in the region of 50 feet.

Make Your Phone a Drone. Introducing the Ultimate Phone Case! 1
Selfly – A Phone Case That Flies

The flying phone case is controlled by the associated smartphone app, available for Apple and Android devices. It also comes in a range of form factors designed to fit some of the more popular models from Apple and Samsung, though it does offer a “Universal” case, which will fit any smartphone between 4 and 6 inches.

We don’t know much about the battery at this point, but we expect it to be quite poor, at least for the 1st iteration. The device is simply too small with too much technology to expect a long battery life. Still, for a phone case, anything over 5 minutes is impressive.

So, will this “take off” (excuse the pun). It’s hard to know, it’s a cool idea, but it may just be this years hottest toy and next year’s trash – time will tell. The Selfly costs £130 for the basic model. There is an upgrade with an extra power bank for more juice. So, £130 is expensive for a phone case, yes, but for a drone case? Hmm… To find out more about this unique phone case, check out the blog at Caseface or further details.

SELFLY Intro Clip

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