If you’re planning your spring or summer travel plans, don’t miss these important apps which can help keep you safe and healthy wherever you go!
Medical Emergency Apps
No matter where you are visiting, a medical emergency can be scary and chaotic. Get help fast with apps that make contacting and communicating with emergency services easier. The TripLingo app generates a hefty library of emergency phrases in various languages and even helps you translate foreign languages (and vice versa) on the spot. The !Emergency! app provides you with a list of various emergency numbers and services for the country you are in. And the First Aid app from the American Red Cross gives you expert advice for everyday emergencies and they are paediatric first aid ofsted approved so you can properly treat that minor cut you got at the beach, for example.
Accessibility Apps
While mobility aids like a motorized wheelchair or walker with ergonomic handles make travel for people with disabilities easier, they don’t necessarily change your accessibility to certain destinations. When it comes to planning a travel itinerary, mobility apps like WheelMap and AXS Map can help you find out whether the place you want to stay or visit has accessible ramps, elevators, or wheelchair lifts.
Know Where to Go Apps
In the event of an emergency like a natural disaster or terrorist attack, knowing the safest place to go will come in handy for you and your travel partners. The Smart Traveler app from the US Department of State connects you with information about the country you are visiting, including where the US embassy is located, as well as updated travel alerts and warnings. And apps like Disaster Alert and Natural Disaster Monitor keep you apprised of developing weather hazards around the world from floods to tornadoes, fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and droughts.
Personal Alert Apps
Quickly and efficiently alerting people when you do and don’t make it to your selected destinations can come in handy, especially for solo travels. The bSafe app offers a variety of neat features including an audible alarm with timestamp video recording and GPS tracking, as well as a way to quickly share your location with selected contacts. The Kitestring SMS service checks in on you based on the amount of time you tell it you will be out and sends an alert to emergency contacts if you don’t reply.
Locator Apps
If you are traveling with your family or another group, getting separated can be nerve-wracking and difficult to manage, especially if you don’t have access to messaging over WiFi. Location-sharing apps like Family Locator by Life360 let you create a ‘circle’ where everyone can see one another’s locations and send messages back and forth. The Tripit app, on the other hand, helps you share itinerary and destination details with your group so in the event you get lost, you are able to quickly figure out where everyone else will be at a given time.
Additional Reminders
You can take precautions now to make sure your personal health information is stored in your phone in the event of an emergency, i.e. if you are unconscious and an emergency medical technician needs to look it up in your locked phone. Edit your “Medical ID” information on either your iPhone or Android with your name, age, medical conditions, allergies, medications, blood type, and emergency contacts.
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