FetchitGO was born out of frustration of having many different connected devices but no easy way to control them. You spend big bucks to buy a set of Hue Bulbs, Lifx bulb sockets, Wemo switches, etc. But, Apps seem to be the only way to control them. That is very problematic for families and individuals.
Imagine, you enter a room, and you have to turn on the light. You have burnt all this money to have a set of fancy Internet of Things (IoT) lights in the room. What next? You search where is your phone. Hopefully, it is in your pocket and not out for charging somewhere. You take it out, remove the screen lock, navigate to your app (probably you remember whether it is Lifx or Hue or something else in this room), find the right control and then switch on the light. Multiply this by an average of doing it twenty times a day. Then add your spouse, children, and parents to the equation. Suddenly, the best possible IoT bulb in the market does not look attractive anymore.
This is an example of a problem that we are solving with FetchitGO. We realize that while Apps are important and integral to IoT. But, they cannot be the only way or even a preferred way of interacting with your devices. But, a FetchitGO controller can be anywhere like an app or fixed to a wall.
How FetchitGO Works
The FetchitGO devices are all, also, consolidated into a single “MyFetchitGO” app, available on all the mobile and web platforms – Play Store, App Store or on the browser- fetchitgo.tantiv4.com.
Once you have consolidated all your IoT devices into the FetchitGO controller, you can also access them on your mobile at one single place on your app.
Thus, you do not have to search for each vendor app separately- there is one common place for all of them.
People always point out to me that Alexa i.e. Amazon Echo and Google Home have emerged as two darlings of a new era of voice control. While these devices are attractive, they have to be looked at as just another way to control the IoT devices. Also, these devices come with their frustrations. There is the problem of accent recognition, everyone must know the precise voice commands, and noise often confuses these devices.
The scariest part of these devices is that they are not secure and they compromise your privacy. Both these devices are coming from large enterprises which are interested in preserving all the voice data they are always capturing and transferring to the cloud. Imagine, living in a house where everything you speak is there forever at the mercy of these companies. They can mine it to sell your family unwanted stuff, the government can access by changing regulations, or someone can bring in a court order to get your voice data! The other concern is security. People’s voice can be easily faked and used for accessing your account.
In contrast, FetchitGO is a minimalist design- you get to do just what you want, in a way that is secured by two independent layers of encryption. It allows an easy IoT control regardless of your familiarity with the technology and is built on architecture which tries to keep your interaction with your devices in the home, without reference to the Internet.
For more information about FetchitGO, please visit www.tantiv4.com or contact Lokesh Johri at his email address, lokesh.johri(at)tantiv4(dot)com