Android Apps to Perform Pooja on Your Android Device

Whatever may be the device – Android smartphone, tablet or netbook to do Pooja in the instrument, Android apps are readily available on Google Play.

Shiridi Sai Baba Pooja

For those of you who like Shiridi Sai Baba very much, to perform Sai Baba Pooja every Thursday store Shiridi Saibaba Pooja Apps.

Satya Sri Saibaba Pooja App
This Pooja app not only lets you perform pooja with flowers but also you can give harathi and ring the bells.

Lord Shiva Pooja

For performing Shiva Pooja, get Lord Shiva Pooja Apps.

Lord Shiva Pooja Apps on Google Play

You can celebrate pooja daily changing photos in the gallery. Pressing the harathi you can move it all over the screen and by touching the bell icon you can ring the bells.

Durga Puja

For worshipping Durga Mata, Durga Puja Android App is available on Google Play.

Durga Puja Android App on Google Play

All the details regarding the app can be obtained as per the menus. You can also know the Prasadam preparations at the time of puja.

Diwali Laxmi Pooja Aarti

Aarti is a extraordinary ritual in Hinduism which is read after the completion of puja. Lakshmi Aartis during pooja is a great ritual in Hinduism which is performed on the festival of Diwali. The Pooja Aartis voiced by authority singers on this App create pleasing heavenly atmosphere around that can’t be explained in text.

Goddess MahaLaxmi Pooja Aarti
Goddess Lakshmi
We worship the Goddess Lakshmi to get health, wealth and success and these mighty Laxmi Pooja Aartis are the finest mediums to accomplish all that we want. Get this Diwali Laxmi Pooja Aarti Android App to concentrate and sing along the most powerful MahaLakshmi Aartis for the Goddess Lakshmi to rainfall us with welfare, riches and prosperity.

Murugan Chants

To get the divine grace of God Murugan, obtain Lord Muruga Chants Android App.

Lord Muruga Pooja Android App screenshot

Like in all other Pooja Apps on Google Play, here also flowers, auspicious harathi and bells can be used.

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