Type in Telugu Using Google Input Tools and Apple Telugu Keyboard Layout

Telugu language, well known as the Italian of the East is one of the most spoken languages with over 85 million people speaking in Telugu not just in Andhra Pradesh, India but also those living in USA, UK, Africa, Mauritius, SE Asia etc. Owning to the interest of speaking and writing in Telugu, there are many famous Telugu websites and blogs. Now let’s make use of some Telugu installing instruments like Google Input Tools and others and learn how to type in Telugu.

Using Google Input Tools

We will know at first how to use the input tools given by Google. At first Telugu introduced software is to be downloaded from Google Input Tools, choosing your language as Telugu and clicking download button. Now run the downloaded InputToolsSetup.exe which launches Google Input Tools Installer. After successfully installing chosen Google Input Tools, there appears below the screen, right side in language bar Telugu option.

Language Bar - English, Telugu

Shifting to Telugu, English in the language bar, we can utilize the language required. In this also because the keyboard being used is Indic, if typed in English, it will convert into Telugu.

Who knows mere English typing, wants to convert from English to Telugu, this Indic keyboard is better. If we type the English words in phonetic procedure, Telugu words come just like in Google Transliteration.
Type in Telugu Using Google Input Tools and Apple Telugu Keyboard Layout 1  Type in Telugu Using Google Input Tools and Apple Telugu Keyboard Layout 2
But if anybody feels difficult to think for every Telugu sentence in English phonetic, other keyboards will be very useful. There are different types of Telugu software tools in use and their keyboards will be according to the respective tool. Maximum percentage of people will use Apple keyboard. If you know the Apple Telugu keyboard typing, download it and by clubbing language bar with the same Apple keyboard, Unicode Telugu typing can be done. To say as how Telugu typing is being done by using Anu Script, in the same way from Unicode also typing can be done.

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The installation process is very easy. After zip file will be downloaded, do un-zip, execute and then we will get the Apple Telugu keyboard layout option in language bar. Keeping the Apple keyboard layout before, if practiced, Telugu typing can be learnt speedily. If we have English keyboard typing experience it will help much and due to this we can type without seeing the position of the keys. According to this, if we can remember the Telugu letters on each respective keys, easily Telugu also can be typed directly. If we are using different keyboards, we can change among them by using the shortcut ALT+SHIFT

Besides Google Input Tools and Apple Telugu keyboard layout, to type in Telugu here are two other tools which are very useful and can be installed and utilized suitably:

  1. Microsoft Indic Language Input Tool
    Type in Telugu Using Google Input Tools and Apple Telugu Keyboard Layout 4
  2. Baraha – Indian Language Software
    Type in Telugu Using Google Input Tools and Apple Telugu Keyboard Layout 5

2 thoughts on “Type in Telugu Using Google Input Tools and Apple Telugu Keyboard Layout”

  1. Thanks for providing useful Telugu typing keyboard and tools which can be installed on Windows and according to their usual habit, suitable can be utilized.

  2. Google Input Tools’ for PC Windows for offline installer is not available anywhere in the website now since this program has already been removed and no longer expected to appear in the website. Fortunately, I got this ‘Google Input Tools’ software, and I have no objection to assist you to provide this program. It is already installed in my own computer, and be sure that it is working quite perfectly. If you need this software, please send message directly at life_desert@yahoo.com and provide me your contact number so that I can talk to you at IMO, Viber or Whatsapp. If you need ‘Google Input Tool’ for any other language, it can also be provided if possible.

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