Gmail, the flagship product of Google and one of the best free, search-based webmail services available today is in the process of larger redesign and soon a new sign-in page is applied as your default sign in page.
Gmail new sign-in page with link back to old page |
For now, you can switch back and forth between new and old look of sign-in pages and for that all you’ve to do is just click the link at the the bottom of your sign-in page that says ‘Preview it’ when on old design and ‘back to old page’ when on new look and Gmail will take the sign-in page you’re currently using as your default look.
Gmail Old Sign-in Page with new page Preview link at the bottom |
For more information on Changes to the sign-in pages of Google products check out Google Accounts Help
Besides of the login layout changes, what is the other difference between old layout and new one?
@Ricky this is just the initial step in the larger redesign plan of Google products and right now the changes are just on layout and design but over the course of 2011 Google is committed to make more updates to the look and functionality of its popular products like Gmail, YouTube etc.,