How to Integrate Facebook Registration Tool into Your WordPress Site Registration Process

Many of you may often struggle with the normal built-in WordPress registration process as it’s too basic and boring. In order to help you break free of the boredom and make registering at any WordPress site more user interactive, Facebook has recently released their Registration Tool for WordPress that supplies a customizable registration form which can be auto-completed by existing Facebook users.

To save you time, the registration form below has been prefilled using your facebook profile

Here is how you can integrate the all new Facebook’s registration tool into your WordPress site’s registration process:

  1. First download and activate Facebook Registration Plugin for WordPress.
  2. Go to Facebook Registration Plugin Settings page where you’ll have to enter your Facebook Application ID and Application Secret to successfully integrate the plugin into your site’s registration system.
    Wonderful Tech Stuff Facebook Registration Plugin Settings

    Wondering what is your Facebook App ID and Secret?? They are nothing but your App’s OAuth client_id and client_secret which you can find under the Core Settings of your Facebook App. To get them, first you’ll need to register yourself a Facebook App if you didn’t already and then add your site url and domain to allow Facebook enable authentication on your site and all its sub-domains. Just follow the steps below to get it done.

  3. To use Facebook Developer zone and create your very first App head on over to and when requested for permission click Allow.
  4. After you’re in there @ Facebook Developers zone, you can create an application by clicking “Set Up New App”. Under the essential information do enter your App Name, Agree to Facebook Terms and hit “Create App” to complete your App registration.
    Facebook Developer -> Set Up New App

    To Create Facebook Application Provide Essential Information
  5. Once completed, you’ll be landing on Edit App section where you can provide some basic information and stuff about your App. To find your Application ID and Application Secret head on to “Web Site” section core settings. There you’ll also find appropriate fields to enter your Site URL and Domain.
    Facebook App Core Settings with App ID & Secret
  6. Now as you’ve come to know what is your Facebook App ID and Secret, copy/paste them on the Facebook Registration Plugin Settings page and click Save Changes.
  7. Facebook Registration Plugin Setting with Application ID and Application Secret fields

That’s it!! You’re done with the Integration of Facebook Registration Tool into Your WordPress Site Registration system.

Given hereunder is the snapshot of how your WordPress site’s registration form looks after integrating this Facebook Registration Tool:

WORDPRESS - Register for this Site page says Have-a-Facebook-account? Log-in-to-prefill-the-form-below-with-your-profile-information

Hope this helps…
Try it yourself and let me know if it helped you!

5 thoughts on “How to Integrate Facebook Registration Tool into Your WordPress Site Registration Process”

  1. @Shabbu @media thanks guys for finding this “how-to” post useful. Keep visiting the blog for more how-to and troubleshooting stuff. Thanks!!

  2. hey gabby thanks for the comment dear. I’m glad that you found the info helpful. Before you start a blog and implement what’s given here, better start posting some posts here and familiarize yourself with blogging platforms. You can write on any tech topic that intrigues you. 🙂

  3. gabriela garcia

    That info its really helpful Thxz my dear …!!! Might take s.few days but I’m going 2 blend
    both accounts…love gabby..<3<3

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