Indian Bloggers Network @

A few weeks day back when I was stumbling around looking for the top Indian blogs, an idea to buy a domain having Indian and bloggers in the domain name struck my mind and when I went to Namecheap Domain search to search for such domains, I came to know that most of them have already been taken. Back then I didn’t check for the Whois Information to find out more about the details of the Registrants who have taken those domains which I wanted to reserve for my future projects but went straight away to one of the domains which claims itself as a  blogging network for Indian bloggers and signed-up for an account to check whether its worth it or not. 


To be frank there isn’t any real activity going on there, so I wanted to know more about the admin and went to check for the Whois Information and to my utter surprise I came to know that it was taken by none other than my online friend from the silicon valley – Srikanth Nagandla (@sriray) who is also the co-founder of famous Indian start-up Arktan. (To know more about ARKTAN check my previous post @ Arktan Puts An Arc Across Your Tangential Life On The Web)

The concept of bringing Indian bloggers under one network is a idea worth appreciating so I happened to chat with him as to know what was the motive to start such a network and then what’s the reason to leave it abandoned.  Believe me he is willing to work on this project seriously but because of his busy work schedule its seems as if he needs some help from some of the WordPress junkies out there. If you are wondering in the first place what is this Indian-Bloggers Network all about, then continue reading.
‘Indian Bloggers network’ is an earnest effort to bring bloggers of India who are passionate about blogging under one platform where they can exchange their knowledge, share their thoughts and gratitude to one another.

Starting a blog on Indian Bloggers network, powered by WordPress MU is the best alternative to writing on free platforms like and where you feel like you are left all alone and have to put in special efforts on growing a readership for your blog.

On the contrary, blogging on Indian Bloggers network lets you build instant online content presence and followers for your blog as you can connect with fellow bloggers in your niche and get more sticky readers to your blog.

Signing up with Indian Bloggers network will help you grow not only as a blogger but a reader as well getting access to valuable resources in your interested topic.

Sounds Interesting! Isn’t it? If you like it, go Sign up Now! and Have Fun blogging and Reading @ Indian-Bloggers Network.

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