Chitika is Re-Approving All Publisher Domains

Chitika (pronounced CHIH-TI-ka) which means “in a snap” in the South Indian language Telugu (my mother tongue), is a search-targeted advertising network that delivers contextual services – in a snap!

Chitika logo

Though both the co-founders of Chitika are Indians, they are keeping out of Indian markets for the time being because of the lack of sufficient advertisers.

The recent update about Chitika is that in order to better the experience and earnings of their publisher community, it is motivated to bring on more advertisers to their marketplace and with the addition of these new, direct advertisers to Chitika Marketplace, it has taken the strategic step to re-approve all publisher domains including those that have been with them for a long period of time.

So, most of your domains as of now will be with the pending review status for which you need not worry as Chitika Publisher Support team is working diligently to expedite the domain approval process and chances are your domain shall be approved soon.

To check the domain approval status for your domains, log-in to your publisher account and from the top tabs go to My Account -> Approved Domains

Go to Chitika > My Account > Approved Domains

There is nothing you have to do if your domain is listed as Pending review, but instead if its status is listed as “Pending Further Review“, then it means your domain is not qualified to show Chitika Premium ads. This qualification is based on your site’s traffic amount and conversion quality to the advertisers. In such a case, if you disagree with the status allotted by Chitika to your domain, then you can contact Chitika telling them why your domain qualifies for showing premium ads.

2 thoughts on “Chitika is Re-Approving All Publisher Domains”

  1. Yah shabbu, It’s indeed a good news for all those publishers whose domains are approved but for those whose domain status is Pending Further Review its not so good news. Especially for blogspot blogs where traffic and conversion quality will be less.

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