RIP – Lengthy article with no visual images
Unlike a few years back, the most recent approach into blogging is to make the textual content shorter and involving more of a audio-visual approach with the help of images, podcast and embedded videos as these media stuff can speak thousands of words. These days any post without atleast one image included in it is almost dead and most unlikely to be read unless it comes from a recognized expert.
Traditional blogging is also attributed to dying these days to an extent because of the advent to micro-blogging platforms like Twitter

MicroBlogging @twitter.com with 140 characters or less
and centralized places like social networks etc., having the most important feature of “Status Update” with which the content sharing has become lot easier than ever before.

Facebook Status Updates
Facebook has this Status Update feature since long and Goolge’s most popular social network Orkut has also included this feature in its brand spanking new version recently launched.

Orkut Status Updates – What are you up to?
So, in this era of finite attention and infinite alternatives if you want your blog or website to be visited most frequently, then you should make sure that you are active and visible at every social place on the internet people are spending time.

Standout at Centralized places where people spend time
Also you have to practice adopting a unique approach at each place instead of posting the same update at every place. With this kind of approach your update will cover a wide variety of keywords which in-turn brings more exposure to your website in the search engine results.
Another very important aspect is to make sure that you follow the present trends and capture the attention where people are spending most of their time.

Online Footprints
Ultimately, the people that build the biggest footprints online will do well with Search and their websites & blogs will be most frequently visited.
So if I post article with embedded youtube video in my post, will it have better position on SE? Also about shorter content, I thought that blog post with more than 300 words is better than short posts.
Good dude! I agree. I think a post should be a combination of text and image and sometimes videos.
thanks for sharing i strongly believe that using a combination of images and text makes your post more attractive