Optimize Your Site for Search Engines With ROBO Optimizer

Are you a novice web designer and are looking for some help to optimize your site for FREE without paying expensive search engine consultant fees and fiddle with the HTML code, Javascript & Stylesheets? Then ROBO Optimizer is the right choice for you.

Generally, optimizing web pages for search engines requires an in-depth knowledge of HTML, search engine marketing and structuring skills to make the most of your chosen keywords & keyphrases. But with ROBO Optimizer you can create a web page that has highly optimized keywords & keyphrases in minutes and that too without any HTML Knowledge required.

This freeware first analyzes a static web page and modifies the HTML structure to optimize it for search engines pushing the “cream” of a webpage to the top so that it is highly optimized for the search engines, yet leaving the physical appearance of a webpage virtually unchanged.

All you have to do is to Choose your own keywords and key-phrases and the program does the rest to optimize your web page for search engines.ROBO Optimizer Pro Search Engine OptimizationPaul Roberts of ROBO Design Solutions has made this software which actually consists of two different programs:
1. This HTML Editor
2. The ROBO Optimizer Program

ROBO Optimizer is available both in normal and PRO versions. The feature worth noting in the PRO version is the built-in WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editor.

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