Track & Monitor Google PageRank for a List of Sites @ PaRaMeter

If you have a wide range of sites, then you need a means to keep up with page rank for all of them. PaRaMeter is a great tool that helps you to track Google Page Rank for a list of sites you input.
This free bulk PageRank checker is very simple to use and it tracks PR results often and notifies you of the page rank increase or decrease.

All you have to do is ‘Add all URLs whose Page Rank you want to check & monitor to the PaRaMeter URL list using the corresponding field provided to input your URLs and click the Update PR button.Google Pagerank Checking ToolAfter the Update progress is completed, you can check the Google Page Rank for the list of URLs you entered in the PR column. If there is any change in the page rank since the last update, you can check that under the Trend Column. And you if you want to export the data to a CSV file you can do it using the Project | Export to CSV menu item.

PaRaMeter can also be used:
ARROWTo monitor PageRank of any web page in different Google Data Centers. It provides you the option to manually select the Google Data Centers to monitor.

To Enable the Google Data Center Selection feature, Goto Options -> Preferences… and check the box that says “Manual Google Data Center Selection” and Press OK.Manual Goolge Data Center Selection
ARROW To extract all URLs from a website to quickly check Page Rank of each particular web page.

You can Access it from Tool -> Extract URLs. Just Enter the Starting URL of the website, choose the depth level and click Start.How To Extract URLs of any Website
This freeware Support Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista and has a download size of just 1.3MB

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