How To Modify The System Settings To Disable The Windows User Mode Driver Framework Service

Windows User Mode Driver Framework service is a driver component that runs automatically with windows Start up. This component comes with the installation of Microsoft Windows Media Player 10(or above) and it can be seen under the Processes tab in the windows task manager with the Process image name ‘Wdfmgr.exe’

Similar to any other typical windows service that is used to Enable or disable services for a particular hardware profile, this Windows User Mode Driver Framework service is used by Windows Media Player for the synchronization of its content with hardware players like mp3 players etc.

And if you don’t connect any hardware players to your PC, its better to modify and set the Startup type setting for this driver to Disabled or to Manual which enhances the performance for your PC as it reduces the burden of running unnecessary processes in the background.

Follow the steps below to modify the settings:

1. Go to Start->Run and type services.msc in the Open field, and then click OK.How To Modify The System Settings To Disable The Windows User Mode Driver Framework Service 1This opens the Microsoft services management console window.

How To Modify The System Settings To Disable The Windows User Mode Driver Framework Service 2
2. In the list of services, scroll down to find the service with the name ‘Windows User Mode Driver Framework’ and double click with your mouse on it.
Now you can see all the properties set to this service.

3. Click the General tab and In the Startup type box, select Disabled or Manual(recommended) from the drop down menu, and then click OK.How To Modify The System Settings To Disable The Windows User Mode Driver Framework Service 3
4. Finally Exit Services and restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

If you intend to connect a hardware player to your PC sometime in the future and wanted to synchronize it with Windows Media Player 10, just enable the Windows User Mode Driver Framework service by changing the Startup type setting back to Automatic.

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