So, to make sure that only users on your computer can modify the system registry disable this “Remote Registry” service.
Here is how you can disable the remote registry service in Windows:
1. Click Start and choose Control Panel from the Start Menu items.Note:
If you find difficulty in accessing the Control Panel in your PC,
CLICK HERE To Know the Different Ways To Access the Windows Control Panel
2. If your Control Panel is showing items in Classic View, find the icon named Administrative Tools and double click on it.
Alternatively if you are under Category View, click Performance and Maintenance and then Click Administrative Tools
3. Now double-click on Services applet which is used to start, stop and configure windows services on your PC. This open the service window listing all the windows services.
4. From the right pane of the Services Window, find the service named Remote Registry
5. Double-click the “Remote Registry” service which shows the Remote Registry Properties for your Local Computer.
Now, press the Stop button first to stop the started service and then choose Disabled from the drop down menu under ‘Startup Type’ and click Apply->OK.
6.Close the “Services” window and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
That’s it!! You have just disabled the “Remote Registry” service on your computer to prevent unauthorized changes to the system registry.
Hope this helps…
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