Cool New Little Laptop – VAIO Lifestyle PC

Sony VAIO Lifestyle PC: This crazy and cool new little laptop from Sony in indeed a full pledged PC with every possible and imaginable features embedded in it.
VAIO Lifestyle PC
As it is less than an inch thick, weighing just around 1.4 pounds you can always have the PC with you fitted right into your pocket.
Sony Vaio
It provides you a lot of connectivity options making it a real treat to internet users. It supports Ultra fast WiFi 11n which is the fastest currently available and it also has Verizon connectivity option. So where ever there is Verizon signal you can access the internet with ease. It also comes with Bluetooth and Built-in GPS module.

Even though the Standard battery that comes with the unit gives just around 4 hours backup you always have the option to opt for a bigger battery that can last up to 8 hours. And coming to the OS and other configuration details, it runs on Windows Vista and has 1.33GHz CPU and 2 Gigs of Processor boards with dual channel.

With all its unique features this cool laptop is all set to change the life of PC users in many ways.
Buy Sony VAIO VGN-P530H/Q Lifestyle PC from

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