Quicker Ways To Shutdown Windows XP PC

Ever wanted to know quicker ways to shutdown your PC without navigating through start menu or using a third party shutdown utility, here are the ways to do it.

You can create shortcut to shutdown using a script that will do just that, by following the steps below:

  1. Right click on Desktop and choose New Shortcut
  2. ‘Create Shortcut’ window opens where you have to type (or copy/paste) the following script in the box provided for typing the location of the item.
    %windir%System32shutdown.exe -s -t 0
  3. Click next and type a name for the shortcut and hit Finish.

That’s it!! Now you can shutdown your PC simply by clicking this shortcut from desktop itself.

Besides this there is another trick to instantly shutdown your PC. The word instantly is emphasized because by doing this way, your PC will shutdown immediately without having any delay for saving your settings and all that.

  • Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete which opens your Windows Task Manager
  • From the Menu bar Goto Shutdown
  • This is where the tricky part comes into play. Now by holding Ctrl key click on Turn off. Windows Task Manager

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