Browse with E-mail Using Webinmail

With e-mail service now you can browse web pages besides sending mails.
Send an email and you can get all the web pages you want to browse sent right to your mailbox supported on Gmail, MS-Outlook, Outlook Express and your Blackberry device. This new feature which is in beta now is provided by Rediff with the name RediffWEBINMAIL.

This is how you can make it happen:
Just Send a command in the subject to and you will be getting the webpage you wanted to browse in reply to your mail.

For example, If you want to get in your mailbox, go to write new mail/create mail depending on whether your using Gmail, MS-Outlook, Outlook Express or Blackberry device and in the subject box type in the webpage you want to browse, in this case and send it to
Within seconds the webpage will appear in your mailbox as response to your request.

List of Command supported by WEBINMAIL:-
Type the command in the subject line of the mail and send it to

To Browse:

–>Simply send the URL in the subject line e.g.
Microsoft outlook - Webinmail

Search –



–> rediff:query

Help –


NOTE::you can send feedback regarding this service on &
Report bugs if any on

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