How-to Remove Recycle Bin from Desktop in Windows XP

For those of you who wanted a plain Windows desktop screen with no icons, here is a simple registry tweak on how to remove recycle bin from desktop, which is not easy to remove in traditional ways.

1) Go to start -> Run.. and type regedit

2) From the left pane of the registry editor window navigate to the following key-

3) You will be getting some number strings in NameSpace. Select the one that shows
recycle bin on right side pane when clicked on it or else just click on {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}

4) Now, right-click on the default string value in the rightside pane and select delete. Close registry editor and restart your PC.

That’s it!! Your Recycle Bin is removed from desktop.

Note: If you ever wanted to restore recycle bin back to its place on desktop, traverse through the same registry path and when you right-click on the default string value under {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} registry key, choose modify and input value data as Recycle Bin and click OK. Restart, the deleted recycle bin is restored back on desktop.

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