9 Popular Disciplines to Study

Are you struggling to choose a discipline to pursue? This is a very big decision considering how much it can affect your future, which is why you mustn’t take it lightly. Still, most students go through high school and college without having a clear idea about the career path they will pursue. Whether it is lack of information and guidance, or simply your limited knowledge of the workforce – choosing a discipline can be extremely hard on anyone. Well! You can talk to the experts from Apply Board who not only help you to choose the suitable courses but also the best universities.

But, you’re not alone. Many students feel this way. It is precisely for this reason why we’ve come up with a great solution for everyone who shares this struggle. We checked and found the most sought after degrees you should definitely consider. Check the top 9 options in this list and see which one fits you best.

1. Engineering

If your question is what to study today, engineering should be somewhere at the top of your list. This is the most popular degree to pursue today because of the benefits it provides to the specialist in the area, as well as the growing work opportunities around the globe.

Studying to become an engineer isn’t simple or easy, but it definitely pays off. Your task will be to make the world more efficient and you’ll probably be paid a lot for it. When it comes to engineering, you can choose between: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, civil engineering, and chemical engineering. You definitely have a lot of career prospects when you choose engineering. For example, you can work at a machine shop like Senga Engineering (an Orange County machine shop).

Man In Toga Holding Diploma. Popular Disciplines to Study

2. Computer Science

Technology is the force that drives today’s world, which makes computer science the most sought after degree of today. The demand for IT-educated talent is enormous and the discipline offers a wide array of engaging and interesting specializations.

If you choose to pursue this, you can choose programs like IT security, data science, business information systems, or video games and web design.

3. Design

Do you have a good eye for details? If you do, you’ll find design to be the perfect career for you. Designers are highly paid and much in demand nowadays, making this one of the best degrees. The most popular options in this discipline are: graphic design, advertising editor, and visual artist.

4. Marketing

Everyone needs marketing today. With the increase of technology use, there are currently millions of positions available for online marketers. Studying marketing will open up amazing opportunities for you, such as: becoming a marketing advisor, working as a content marketer or writer at Edubirdie essay writing, leading an online SEO marketing service, etc. If you’re good at writing, design, and marketing, you can become a high-earning blogger, website creator, etc.

5. Fashion

Do you enjoy reading fashion magazines and blogs? If you’re a person who follows the latest fashion trends and loves clothing and accessories, this is something you can turn into a career. Instead of doing this as a hobby, study to become a fashion designer, journalist, critic, or even brand manager, and find your way into the elite fashion world!

6. Law

Making justice isn’t just high-paying, it is also very fulfilling. With a degree in Law, you can make your contribution to bringing justice in the world and fight for people’s rights. There are plenty of sub disciplines to choose from, such as criminal or international law. In terms of profession, you can study to become a mediator, prosecutor, lawyer, or even a judge.

Woman jumping above stairs wearing graduation gown and a hat.

7. Business

Business people run the world today. Their wise decisions is what brings them success and eventually, the big bucks. If you choose to enroll into a business program, you can become an auditor, tax attorney, department management, venture capitalist, financial inspector, and what not.

8. Hospitality

With more people travelling than ever, the career opportunities in the hospitality field are growing at an immense rate. Tourism is currently one of the most developed disciplines around the world. If you’re located or plan to live in a popular tourist destination, this could be a perfect career choice for you. Whether you choose to become a travel guide, a customer service agent, or a hotel or restaurant manager, pursuing hospitality degrees can be truly interesting.

9. Art

Arts are an incredible thing to study. If you’re into art or art history and enjoy painting, visual arts, photography, or sculpture – you’ll find this to be a very fulfilling and interesting discipline to pursue.

Once you have your degree in art or art history, you can work as an art consultant, broker, critic, or a professor.


These are the most popular disciplines you can study today. If you want to enjoy a rewarding career, you should select one of the most demanded degrees on the market. However, when making this decision, your primary goal should be to find something you’ll enjoy doing. This is the time when you choose your future career path. It is something you’ll probably do for life, so go with your guts!

Bobbi Sanchez headshot image

Author’s Bio:
Bobbi Sanchez is a psychology graduate and a career advisor at several universities in the US. He also offers his services online, aiding people of all ages in making wise career choices. Bobbi also publishes much of his work online, as well as advice for those who most need it.

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