Operations on Crisp Sets

As you may already know, Crisp Sets consists of well-defined collection of objects. Well-defined in the sense that the objects either belong to or doesn’t belong to a set. Here are some of the most important operations of Crisp sets:


Union of Set A and Set B diagram

The union of two sets A and B is a set containing the elements of both set A and set B. It is represented as (A ∪ B)


Intersection of Set A and Set B

The intersection of two sets A & B is a set whose elements are commonly contained by both set A and set B. It is represented as (A ∩ B)


Compliment of Set A

Compliment of a set A is a set of all elements which are in Universe of Discourse ‘E’ but not in set A. Compliment of a set A is represented by Ac


Difference of Set A and B

The differences of sets A and B is A-B which is nothing but a set of all elements which are in A but not it B or anywhere other in E. It is represented by (A – B)

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